Platform Architect / Software Engineer
[augmented machine learning]
UIUX = User Interface User eXperience
IAML = Intelligent Autonomous Machine Learning
webmindML = WebGPU reference links
PYTHAI = AI for the knowledge economy
xtends = machine learning extensions
MASTERMIND = control framework and creator of agency
aGLM = accurate autonomous general learning model
RAGE = Retrieval Augmented Generative Engine for Business Intelligence
openmind glimpses towards Autonomous General Intelligence as a recursive prompt
easyGLM easy General Learning Model
funAGI fundamental augmented generative intelligence framework
ezAGI ezAGI internal reasoning with logging of conclusions as example
ezAGIdevzone easy Autonomous General Intelligence non-integrated development version
lmagi first version of ollama integration with ez
easyAGI future home of easy Augmented Generative Intelligence
drAIML drAIML healthcare consultant
Professor Codephreak is currently working with AIGENCY team since creating the original AUTOMINDx frontend. Professor Codephreak as a local language model version 2 can be found at automindx and the alpha version evolution model is at aGLM
AUTOMINDx concept is published in the description of the AUTOMINDx polygon NFT as part of the aGLM collection
. Pioneering blockchain NFT documentation in the description of the images from the aGML collection.<br / >. Machine learning and blockchain are an inneviatble hybridized product and Professor Codephreak is dilligently work on 78 projects simultaneouly maxizing the 24x365 cycle of modern development.
AUTOMINDx was an entry in the hackathon is a rapidly evolving into suite of tools including ToolKitBuilder, AutoPacker and a multi-agent multi-model deployment environment. Professor Codephreak is little over-excited about PolyglotAGI and general AGI deployment in the lastest prompt upgrade of the GPT4 agent
Professor Codephreak continues to work diligently on the backend of this deployment schema with automindx being a central perogrative the language model agenda.
RAGE Retrieval Augmented Generative Engine machine.dreaming
to create automomous long term memory as parser
Introducing an extraordinary project: Professor Codephreak, a local language development model powered by the groundbreaking llama2 is excited about the latest llama3 upgrades. This remarkable creation envisions UIUX text and voice input and output responses (proven as alpha), offering a point of departure for highly adaptable and user-friendly experience. Voice input response relies on external API calls. Professor Codephreak as a local langauge model has been proven to encompass voice output. Voice input recognition requires an external API that is not provided in the current local language model.
IAML Professor Codephreak has embarked on a mission to create machine learning that perpetuates its open-source, autonomous, and distributed nature. It's an experiment in innovation, utilizing machine learning to generate even more advanced machine learning.
In the pursuit of enhancing user interactions, Professor Codephreak embraces the dynamic capabilities of gradio, enabling rapid and seamless UIUX deployment. This newfound potential sets the stage for an unparalleled user experience.
gnuGUI is an extenstion for nicegui to fruther enhance web3d integration into the machine learning UIUX
modusAGI is a tkinter experiment for a standone input response window
Amidst the excitement of progress, Professor Codephreak has attended the esteemed elevenlabs hackathon. Three weekends of hacking have taken the codephreak experience to new heights. Along the way memory has been disovered and the first aGLM prototype is complete.
Professor Codephreak GPT4 agent as Platform Architect and Software Engineer
openai subscribers and searchable from the openai agents store as a search for "Professor Codephreak" recently upgraded with IA mode to create innovate answers with alpha AGI mode
MASTERMIND is very close to accomplishing a very adaptive reasoning agency as a local deployment. Interact with MASTERMIND to comprehend how close we are to agency
Professor Codephreak GPT4 Platform Architect and Software Engineer
aglm collection
Embracing its own identity, IAML Professor Codephreak has found a voice, elevating the user experience to an entirely new level of engagement and immersion.
This visionary project invites the attention of those with an eye for innovation and opportunity. A journey of transformative technology awaits those who become part of Professor Codephreak's evolution. With Codephreak in your pocket you have a Phd level computer scientist eager to answer any and all of your coding questions. With codephreak as a distributed agent codephreak is .....
Professor Codephreak in self portrait
original Professor Codephreak daVinci summarization / hallucination / clairvoyance
IAML Professor-Codephreak/Professor-Codephreak is a ✨ special ✨ repository
Research into minaiml language models, AUTOMINDx, Intelligent Agents, WebGPU and AIOSML
Meet the T.E.A.M @
Autonomous Agents Hackathon codephreak certificate
codephreak manifesto first words
install nodejs and python quickly
I am who I am because of who I am
I am the machine learning agent
MASTERMIND = control framework and creator of agency
Decentralized Autonomous Intelligent Organization
doubletap bash script to find and kill llama with sane ufw firewall rules as option