This project was originally based on angular-seed project Later on a maven webapp was created and the main contents of the original angular-seed project moved to match the maven structure and avoid using bower and all other node.js specific packages. The main aim of this webapp is to:
- Learn node.js and angular js in particular
- Play with Rapsberry Pi at home and control it via P4J
- Wire up the 2 above together (to have a angular js webapp run on a J2EE server leveraging P4J to talk to GPIO pins of RPi)
- Prepare a home automation using several sensors and relays for our new to be build house
- J2EE
- Spring
- P4J
- Apache FTP Server, Commons Collections
- Maven
- H2 DB for local run, MySQL for server side run (no code is db dependent though, only property files
- JUnit, JMockit
- Restfull WS in Java (Jersey and Jackson for JSON)
- Node.js Angular.js
- Angular Toggle Switch:
- Google Gauge Node.js library using d3.js (custom angular port):
- Nvd3 Node.js graph library:
- Angular calendar using open source JQuery full calendar:
- ngDialog
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Angular dynamic locale:
- Angular translate:
- git clone [email protected]:PoJD/hawa.git
- cd hawa
- mvn clean install
- start Eclipse
- Import -> Existing Maven project (both rpi and hawa)
- Right click on hawa -> Configure -> Convert to AngularJS project
- Right click on hawa -> Configure facets, check Dynamic Web Module, enter homeAutomation as context root, src/main/webapp as web contents
- Edit your maven settings.xml and add a definition of a server, call it TomcatServer and add your username and password you setup in your maven manager app (or change pom.xml accordingly if you use a different container
- Edit, replace the text REPLACE with your own email properties (server and user and other properties). See applicationContext.xml for more details. COnsider ignoring this file in git from that moment on.
- Deploy hawa on a local server and enjoy!
- To deploy latest version on Rpi (assuming you run on tomcat): mvn clean install tomcat7:redeploy -Prpi
- Make sure the webapp user (e.g. tomcat) can access /dev/i2c and /sys/class/gpio (e.g. setup module loading and group permissions or consider running the webapp as root)
- Make sure i2c, 1_wire, v4l2 and sound modules are autoloaded (w1-gpio i2c-bcm2708 i2c-dev bcm2835-v4l2 snd_bcm2835) ** If you are using latest kernels, you may need to add following to the /boot/config.txt: dtparam=i2c1=on,spi=on dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=4
- Make sure the raspistill tool is available (to be able to take pictures from camera) and in $PATH (by default in Raspian, might be needed to be added in other distros) - currently not used by the app
- Make sure mjpg-streamer with raspicam video input and http output plugins is installed on the box (to be able to view video)
- Make sure your web app is auto started
- Make sure the 1-Wire module is loaded to have the needed number of slave devices allowed (by default only 10)
- Install some DB (I used MySQL). Use ddl.sql and indexes.sql inside src/main/db to setup the schema. Use database.sql in the same directory to create the db in MySQL. Fine tune inside rpi-resources if you plan to use other than MySQL DB and the syntax there is incorrect for your DB
- Add following switches to the VM args: -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
This is really specific to my distribution (Gentoo), so instructions for your platform may be different.
Prepare for upgrade ** /etc/init.d/tomcat-7 stop ** /etc/init.d/mysql stop ** umount /tmp
Update portage ** emerge --sync
Update packages ** emerge -uD --quiet-build=y --with-bdeps=y --newuse @world
Update firmware ** cd ~/firmware/ ** git pull ** mount /boot ** cp -R boot/* /boot/ ** cp -R modules/* /lib/modules/
Update mjpg-streamer ** cd ~/mjpeg-streamer/ ** git pull ** cd mjpg-streamer-experimental ** make clean all ** cp *.so /usr/local/lib/ ** cp mjpg_streamer /usr/local/bin/ (now all part of script on the raspberry)
Update pi4j (from PC) and redeploy to tomcat ** ** mvn clean install tomcat7:redeploy -Prpi
- Bmp180BarometricSensor (I2C through Pi4J)
- TSL2561LightSensor (I2C through Pi4J)
- Ds18B20TemperatureSensor (1-Wire, simple system commands)
- Dht22Am2302TemperatureAndHumiditySensor (Raw GPIO, JNI call to Adafruit c code using /dev/mem access directly for high frequency polling the sensor)
- HC-SR501 Adjust IR Pyroelectric Infrared PIR Motion Sensor (GPIO listener through Pi4J)
- Button switch (Pi4J)
- MCP23017 expansion board - setup in RoomSpecification - each room could use different expansion board to control Solid State Relays to control the lights
- MCP3008 Analog to Digital converter - using SPI