A comprehensive exploration of Statistics and Probability Theory concepts, with practical implementations in Python
This repository contains Python implementations of various Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. These techniques help in evaluating and ranking alternatives based on multiple criteria, of…
A repository dedicated to the mathematical modeling and solution of optimization problems, featuring practical examples in Stochastic Programming, Linear Programming (LP), and Mixed-Integer Linear …
Customer-Segmentation Public
Customer Personality Analysis Using Clustering
Solve the shortest path problem using Reinforcement Learning. This project applies RL techniques, such as Q-learning and SARSA(λ), to find optimal routes in a weighted graph, where the algorithm le…
Explore key RL algorithms with detailed explanations and fully commented Python code implementations
Forecast airline passenger demand using time series models like AR, ARMA, and LSTM to improve operations, optimize scheduling, enhance resource allocation, and streamline supply chain management th…
Combinatorial-Optimization Public
A collection of algorithms and methods for solving combinatorial optimization problems, including techniques for TSP, Knapsack, and other NP-hard problems using heuristics, metaheuristics, and exac…
A machine learning project for predictive maintenance, designed to forecast equipment failures and optimize maintenance schedules to reduce downtime and operational costs
A Python simulation model demonstrating the bullwhip effect in a multi-tier supply chain, where fluctuations in customer demand amplify up the chain, impacting costs and inventory levels
Simplex-from-Scratch Public
A Python implementation of the Simplex algorithm for solving linear programming problems from scratch
A comprehensive Python tutorial repository that covers key programming concepts along with practical questions and examples
R-Tutorial Public
A comprehensive R tutorial repository covering essential programming concepts and practical examples to help you master R programming
Analysis and Prediction of the Customer Churn Using Machine Learning Models (Highest Accuracy) and Plotly Library
Analyze and Predict the Flight Price Using Machine Learning Models and Plotly Library
Analysis and Forecasting of the Corona Virus Observed, Recovered and Death Cases Using Machine Learning Models and Plotly Library
Neural-Style-Transfer Public
Generate an Image with the Same "Content" As a Base Image, But with the "Style" of a Different Picture
Speech-Emotion-Recognition Public
Emotion Recognition Using Audio Speech Files
Survival Analysis of Lung Cancer Patients
ActTensor Public
Forked from pouyaardehkhani/ActTensorActTensor: Activation Functions for TensorFlow. https://pypi.org/project/ActTensor-tf/ Authors: Pegah Ardehkhani, Pouya Ardehkhani
Brain-MRI-Segmentation Public
U-Net from Scratch for Brain Tumor Segmentation
WeatherApp Public
A GUI Weather Application Using Tkinter Library
Emojify-Texts Public
Choose the Most Appropriate Emoji for a Text Using NLP Models
"One Hidden Layer Neural Network" from Scratch
CNN-From-Scratch Public
"CNN" from Scratch
"Deep Neural Network" from Scratch
Analysis and Prediction of the Corona Virus tweets Sentiment Using Deep Learning Models and Plotly Library
Detect Pneumonia Using Deep Learning Models (CNN and InceptionV3)
"Logistic Regression" from Scratch