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Augesco is a new ethereum dapp development framework that is intended to provide more out-of-the-box functionality for truffle-based projects. The project is similar to drizzle which is provided by truffle. A large problem I found with drizzle and generally developing web dapps is the large amount of boilerplate code that is necessary to interact with contracts. One of the core goals of Aguesco is to abstract away this functionality and make it as easy as possible for developers to develop apps.

Augesco uses mobx-state-tree as it's state management system as an alternative to redux, the reasoning is best outlined here. With it, Augesco injects two stores, web3store which controls blockchain interactivity and contractstore which handles contract logic. The project also comes with out-of-the-box dapp components like metamask lockscreens and transaction notifiers. Included in this project is a sample contract which shows how the project works.


  • MetaMask plugin

  • An infura api-key, which can be requested here

  • An ethereum account with testnet ether (rinkeby)

  • This project is best fitted for public blockchains but ganache can still be used. Use the latest beta as it has a websocket implementation. Please note that some event functionality does not work with ganache as well as it does for the public chain.

    npm install -g [email protected]

Alternatively, a local node + metamask can be used.


  • Clone this project

    git clone

  • Install dependencies

    cd augesco && npm install

  • Once all dependencies are installed, truffle should be used to build and migrate the contracts to the blockchain. I found that the rinkeby test network works best. Once you have test ether, edit the account-config.js file and include your account mnemonic and infura key.

  • Compile your contract(s)

    truffle compile --all

  • Migrate the smart contracts to the blockchain. There should be a build folder present which holds the deployment in

    truffle migrate --network rinkeby

  • Start the local server and the page should auto render on localhost:3000

    npm start

How it works

The project is built around mobx-state-tree which is a state-management system similar to redux which has been traditionally used in blockchain dapps. Mobx-state-tree enables developers to model their data in a more object-orientated style.

Aguesco abstracts away blockchain interactivity by wrapping the folder in 3 layers called gates. They are found in our components folder:

  • web3gate interacts with the web3store model and determines user and network status. Should the user, change account, change network, lock their metamask or lose connection. The dapp automatically can detect this and renders the correct ux in this case.

  • contractgate is utilised to parse the contract logic. In our App.js file, we pass our contract json data from the build folder as an array contracts into props. When web3gate has loaded without issue, the contracts are automatically parsed and are contained within a map object in the contract store.

  • eventgate is not totally required by the project but is quite useful. The eventgate component detects all transactions executed by the user and displays the returned status. Also present is a drawer object which can subscribe to all new blockchain events from the application loads. Currently the optimal way to do this without utilising the blockchain load is to use the websocket endpoints provided by infura. These are declared in App.js similarly to how contracts are declared.

When accessing the two stores when building a dapp, I would advise using es6 syntax as below to save writing this.props everywhere.

const { web3Store, contractStore } = this.props  

In order to be able reference any model stores with mobx, we must inject the stores into our react components like so:

import { inject, observer } from "mobx-react"

@observer class AppContent extends Component {

ContractStore<contractName>, <function>, <args>)

  • <contractName> - string, name of the contract from which you wish to call
  • <function> - string, name of function within contract
  • <args> - array, arguments required, leave empty array if none needed

Using call(), we take an asynchronous read of the contract state which returns a promise. Below is a snippet of Counter.sol and its getter function getCount and an example of its execution.

function getCount() public view returns (uint){
  return count;

Using our contractStore we can do something like this:

let count = await"Counter", "getCount", [])

contractStore.exec(<contractName>, <function>, <args>, <options>)

  • <contractName> - string, name of the contract from which you wish to call
  • <function> - string, name of function within contract
  • <args> - array, arguments required, leave empty array if none needed
  • <options> - object, manipulates transaction details. See web3 docs for more.

exec() is to be used for any contract function that alters the state of the contract by a transaction. These functions are called setters. When used in this application, a popup will appear from metamask to confirm or reject the transaction. When setters are executed it usually takes 10-15 seconds until they are mined and resolved which lends itself to bad Ux. However, augesco provides a meaningful solution to this through transaction and event notifiers. Example:

function incCount() public {
  require(count < (2**256 - 1));
  count = count + 1;
  emit Increment(count, msg.sender);

This is then executed

contractStore.exec("Counter", "incCount", [], {
  "from": web3Store.account

contractStore.listen(<contractName>, <event>, <options>, <callback>)

  • <contractName> - string, name of the contract from which you wish to call
  • <event> - string, name of event within contract
  • <options> - object, filtering options. See web3 docs
  • <callback> - function, returns two arguments, err and event, event returns the event log data.

Solidity contracts have implemented events which can be used to track the state of a contract over time. Augesco has a listen() function which can be used to wait on changes to such functions. Looking at the incCount() function in the previous section, an Increment() event is emitted. By listening for emitted events, we can update our frontend representation in accordance with the changes through the callback. Example:

event Increment(
  uint count,
  address indexed sender
contractStore.listen("Counter", "Increment", {}, (err, event) => {...})

Using this, in tandem with an exec() function which emits a corresponding event can lead to a more reactive design.

contractStore.txEmitter.on(<eventName>, <data>)

For handling transaction logic, Aguesco implements a listener object which emits the status of a sent transaction. When we a new transaction is executed, from our exec() function, Aguesco keeps track of the transaction until it succeeds or fails. This involves a number of stages which is represented in constants.js The eventgate component uses the emitter extensively to provide popup notifications for the ui.

contractStore.txEmitter.on(txStatus.NEW, (hash) => {

  contractStore.txEmitter.once(txStatus.PENDING + hash, (data) => {})
  contractStore.txEmitter.on(txStatus.MINED + hash, (data) => {})
  contractStore.txEmitter.on(txStatus.SUCCESS + hash, (data) => {})
  contractStore.txEmitter.on(txStatus.FAILED + hash, (data) => {})


By nesting the on-events to be inside the new transaction, we can concatenate the status with its unique hash to provide more fine control for each event. This makes it easier when dealing with notifications.


web3Store.account - returns the current users account and should correspond directly with metamask

web3Store.balanceEth - returns the current users balance in standard ether

web3Store.balanceGwei - returns the current users balance in 1x10^9 eth (gwei)

web3Store.balanceWei - returns the current users balance in 1x10^18 eth (wei). Wei is the smallest denomination of ether possible.

web3Store.netName - returns the current network name


The chainEmitter object works similarly to the txEmitter and is used to monitor blockchain subscriptions. As of now, subscriptions to the pending transactions and new block headers are available to be used. The utility of being able to observe live data from the blockchain may improve user experience and possibly enable less-trusting users learn as to how the blockchain works.

Pending transactions are started and stopped:

  • web3Store.startPendingTxs()
  • web3Store.stopPendingTxs()

Once started, event result objects are emitted by the chainEmitter and can be caught anywhere within the application. We use the shorthand "ptx" as the eventname

web3Store.chainEmitter.on("ptx", data => {
  // do something with incoming transaction data

Similarly, new blocks are started and stopped

  • web3Store.startNewBlocks()
  • web3Store.stopNewBlocks()

We use "nbh" as the eventname

web3Store.chainEmitter.on("nbh", data => {
  // do something with incoming block headers

When both subscriptions are stopped, a single unsubscribe event is fired with the eventname + "-stopped" appended.


The application uses antd as a css framework. Edits and overrides can be made using less in the assets folder. Ant makes it quite easy to generate a good looking ui but it can be easily removed using npm if material/semantic-ui etc are preferable.