This project is being developed during my spare time. I would appreciate a donation if you found it useful.
You can also support me by sending a BitCoin donation to the following address:
A script to automatically update the IP of custom DNS entries in a Mail in a Box instance.
Make the following changes in the files referenced below.
The following changes have to be made in the file:
Line # 42 - Must point to the domain where you are hosting your Mail-in-a-Box instance.
- Example:
Line # 45 - Must point to the host that represents the Mail-in-a-Box instance in your domain.
- Examples:
The following changes have to be made in the file:
a) Replace '<username>' with your Mail-in-a-Box administrator username (email).
b) Replace '<password>' with your Mail-in-a-Box administrator password.
Must contain a list of all the existing DNS records that need to be updated. Each DNS record must be in a separate line.
- Example:
You can manually run the script or create a cron job to execute it on a schedule.
crontab -e
Add a new line like this:
0 0 * * * /path/to/your/
The Script folder is to be used in Debian linux distros like Ubuntu, Debian, and Raspbian.
The Container folder is for building an Alpine container.
This application has been containerized and is available in my Docker Hub repository.
All the necessary information to run it can be found there.
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64/v8,linux/arm/v6,linux/arm/v7 -t prengineer/miab_dyndns:1.0.0 .
docker push prengineer/miab_dyndns:1.0.0