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Open Data Services Sphinx Base

The base Sphinx setup (recommonmark + internationalisation) for Open Data Services docs projects.


  • Markdown support (thanks to recommonmark)
  • Internationalisation
  • Wrapping text in tables, to avoid having horizontal scrollbars

Building the documentation

Build the docs locally

Assuming a unix based system:

# Sphinx graphviz extension requires graphviz to be installed
# If you don't have this, you can do
sudo apt-get install graphviz

# Make sure you have python3 venv, e.g. for Ubuntu
# If you're not sure, try creating a venv, and see if it errors
sudo apt-get install python3-venv

# Create a venv
python3 -m venv .ve    
# Enter the venv, needs to be run for every new shell
source .ve/bin/activate
# Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Build the docs
cd docs
make dirhtml

Built docs are in docs/_build/dirhtml.

Viewing the docs:

cd _build/dirhtml
python -m http.server

Then go to http://localhost:8000/ in a browser.

Building on readthedocs

  • Select your repo at:
  • Tick: "Edit advanced project options:"
  • Click "Next" button
  • Documentation type: "Sphinx HtmlDir"
  • Click "Finish" button
  • Click "Admin" button, then "Advanced Settings" in the left hand nav
  • Requirements file: "requirements.txt"
  • Python interpreter: "CPython 3.x"
  • Click "Submit" button


Translations are generally done using this transifex project. Create one at :

How to push new text up to Transifex:

First, do a local build, then:

cd docs
make gettext
sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --transifex-project-name <project-name>
tx push -s

When the translations are filled in transifex you need to run:

tx pull -a -f

These should then be commited and then pushed to GitHub (so that actual deployed translations are always version controlled).

Running the build in another language:

make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='<language code>'" html

If translations are added locally, these can also be pushed up to Transifex:

tx push -t --skip


Documentation for OS4D







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