Main OpenAF docker builds.
Security scans:
The main base container for OpenAF.
docker pull openaf/openaf
There are two tags available:
Tag | Description |
latest | The lastest stable build |
nightly | The nightly build |
t8 | The developer version |
The environment variables available:
Variable | Description | Example |
OPACKS | A comma separated list of oPacks to install during the first execution from central repositories. | OPACKS=APIs,Docker,Mongo |
OPACKS_DIR | A container based folder with .opack files or folders to be installed during the first execution. | OPACKS_DIR=/opacks |
OPACKS_DB | A comma separated list of | OPACKS_DB=http://main.server/opack.db |
OPENAF | A container based script to be executed. | /myscripts/script.js |
OJOB | A container based ojob to be executed. | /myojobs/job.yaml |
OAFP | If defined will rever to running oafp. | -h |
Running commands directly:
docker run -ti -e OPACKS=APIs openaf/openaf -e 'load("apis.js");print(apis.ChuckNorrisJokes.get())'
Running a script:
docker run -ti -e OPACKS=APIs -e OPENAF=/scripts/myScript.js -v /myscripts:/scripts openaf/openaf
Running an oJob:
docker run -ti -e OPACKS=APIs -e OJOB=/ojobs/myJob.yaml -v /myojobs:/ojobs openaf/openaf
Invoking the console with a private opack:
docker run -ti -e OPACKS=https://user:[email protected]/myOPack.opack openaf/openaf --console
Based on the main openaf container facilitates the use of the openaf-console.
docker pull openaf/openaf-console
There are two tags available:
Tag | Description |
latest | The lastest stable build |
nightly | The nightly build |
t8 | The developer version |
docker run -ti openaf/openaf-console
Based on the main openaf container facilitates the execution of an oJob executing /openaf/main.yaml be default.
docker pull openaf/openaf-ojob
There are two tags available:
Tag | Description |
latest | The lastest stable build |
nightly | The nightly build |
t8 | The developer version |
Based on the main openaf container facilitates the execution of an oJob, with ojob-common opack pre-installed, executing /openaf/main.yaml be default.
docker pull openaf/openaf-ojobc
There are two tags available:
Tag | Description |
latest | The lastest stable build |
nightly | The nightly build |
t8 | The developer version |