🔭 I’m currently all in on Svelte and Sveltekit in combination with TS ❤ approx 3 years of total experience
🌱 Done a little bit with golang, python and java, webflow, vuejs and laravel and more (see below)
💬 I dislike mongo and love postgres
At the moment of writing this I have about 2y of professional Web dev experience with Vuejs on a big ecoomerce store with over 270+ shops and 6k+ employees!
Most of my initial knowledge is gained through self study and then improved in college and at work 😎
Sveltekit with raw postgres if I need something more I love to add in some Laravel!
MariaDB, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, OracleDB
Datamodelling (incl. Oracle Database Design Certificate view on )
C++, C#, Java, JavaScript(incl. Typescript), PHP (I actually like that one a lot), Python, Golang, Bash, Powershell
React, Svelte, Vue
Java Spring, Laravel, NestJs, Expressjs, Golang, Flask
I mainly use jwt and OAuth with google
Over the years I tried a lot of things but right now I throw everything at my VPS with coolify!
I did few things over the years including bootstrap and plain old css, but tailwind seems to be the best fit after trying out multiple things. I often combine it with daisyui
Good old git serves me well, rebases and mr conflicts can't hurt me anymore 😢
Git, Docker, GCP, Restfull API's, MySQL Workbench, Bootstrap, DaisyUI, CSS(and SCSS), TailwindCSS , Object Oriented Programming, HTML, Server Management/Configuration(Windows Server, Ubuntu on GCP, Digital Ocean, Oracle Cloud), Digital Ocean, Oracle Cloud, NodeJs, Nginx, JWT, RaspberryPI, Arduino, Chrome Extensions Manifest V3, Linux, Ubuntu, Alpine, Windows, Supabase, TDD, Regex, CRUD, Figma, Swagger, Markdown, ABAP, Stripe (for payments)
DISCLAIMER: for presentation purposes most of my git repos are private
quadruple these stats and you got my work git included: