Experimental python project that converts emotions on picture to autogenerated music. (https://youtu.be/wEw7vU7gl7A)
This is an experimental program that converts emotions on pictures to auto generated music.
- Internet Connection
- Microsoft Azure account with Emotion API subscribed.
- python Improviser, I would recommend you to use my version of Improviser since the original version( has un-updated files which does not function appropriately with Mingus(0.5.2)
- python Mingus
- FluidSynth
- pyGame (optional, since this is only used for Visualization)
- SoundFont SF2
Before running emot.py I would highly recommend you to run Improviser.py first. - Running Improviser.py via Terminal: Open terminal and go to Improviser folder. Then go to, you can try either:
1) cd build/lib/improviser ./Improviser.py -s swing ... this is more stable. OR 2) cd improviser ./Improviser.py -s swing More on Improviser => ./Improviser.py --help
Save/Copy emot.py on the same folder as Improviser.py
Run: python emot.py www.example.com/myPicture.com -f none OR if you have pyGame installed:
Run: python emot.py www.example.com/myPicture.com -f lines
-f lines
-f mixed
-f cli
-f blocks
-f none
Any Questions: [email protected]
Good Luck -Nityam