The Unlimint API uses HTTP verbs and a RESTful endpoint structure. Request and response payloads are formatted as JSON.
- API version: 3.0
- PHP SDK version: 3.6.21
For more information, please visit
- PHP 5.6 or later
- curl, json, openssl extensions
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"cardpay/php-sdk-v3": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files, run composer install
and include autoload.php
SDK will automatically use the proxy if the HTTPS_PROXY
environment variable is set.
Important: please note that current implementation is using temporary files storage (see FileTokensStorageApi), to save, read and delete (if needed) the API tokens. You may implement another tokens storage (session, database, Memcached, Redis, etc) by implementing TokensStorageApi interface.
In order to obtain the API tokens please use AuthApiClient. It requires API terminal code and password, provided by Unlimint.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
use Cardpay\api\AuthApiClient;
use Cardpay\api\FileTokensStorageApi;
$fileTokensStorageApi = new FileTokensStorageApi($host, $terminalCode);
$authApiClient = new AuthApiClient($host, $terminalCode, $password, $fileTokensStorageApi);
/** @var ApiTokens $apiTokens */
$apiTokens = $authApiClient->obtainApiTokens();
$accessToken = $apiTokens->getAccessToken();
$refreshToken = $apiTokens->getRefreshToken();
$tokenType = $apiTokens->getTokenType();
Open ./test/Config.php and set terminal code, password and terminal currency.
To run the unit tests:
composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration ./phpunit.xml
- ApiError
- ApiTokens
- AuthenticationCustomer
- AuthenticationData
- AuthenticationDataResponse
- AuthenticationError
- BadRequestError
- BankCardPayoutData
- BillingAddress
- CardBindingCard
- CardBindingCardAccount
- CardBindingData
- CardBindingMerchantOrder
- CardBindingRecurringDataResponse
- CardBindingRequest
- CardBindingResponse
- ChangeSubscriptionStatusClaimResponse
- ChangedPlanData
- ClaimResponseSubscriptionData
- Confirm3dsRequest
- DisputeList
- DisputeResponse
- DisputeResponseCard
- DisputeResponseCardAccount
- DisputeResponseCustomer
- DisputeResponseDisputeData
- DisputeResponseMerchantOrder
- DisputeResponsePaymentData
- FilingRecurringData
- FilingRequest
- FilingRequestMerchantOrder
- FilingRequestSubscriptionData
- FilterParameters
- Flight
- Flights
- InstallmentData
- InstallmentSubscriptionRequest
- Item
- LimitInfoResponse
- MobileCardAccountResponse
- MobileCustomerResponse
- MobileMerchantOrderResponse
- MobilePaymentData
- MobilePaymentDataResponse
- MobilePaymentFullResponse
- MobilePaymentMerchantOrder
- MobilePaymentMethodDataResponse
- MobilePaymentMethodListResponse
- MobilePaymentRequest
- MobilePaymentResponse
- MobileTokenRequest
- MobileTokenResponse
- MobileVerificationRequest
- MobileVerificationResponse
- NextSubscriptionPayment
- NotFoundError
- OAuthError
- OneclickData
- PaymentCallback
- PaymentGatewayCreationResponse
- PaymentGatewayResponsePaymentData
- PaymentMethodsResponse
- PaymentPatchRequest
- PaymentRequest
- PaymentRequestCard
- PaymentRequestCardAccount
- PaymentRequestCryptocurrencyAccount
- PaymentRequestCustomer
- PaymentRequestEWalletAccount
- PaymentRequestLivingAddress
- PaymentRequestMerchantOrder
- PaymentRequestPaymentData
- PaymentResponse
- PaymentResponseCardAccount
- PaymentResponseCryptocurrencyAccount
- PaymentResponseCustomer
- PaymentResponsePaymentData
- PaymentUpdateResponse
- PaymentUpdateTransactionData
- PaymentsList
- PayoutCallback
- PayoutCreationResponse
- PayoutPaymentData
- PayoutRequest
- PayoutRequestCard
- PayoutRequestCardAccount
- PayoutRequestCryptocurrencyAccount
- PayoutRequestCustomer
- PayoutRequestEWalletAccount
- PayoutRequestLivingAddress
- PayoutRequestMerchantOrder
- PayoutRequestPayoutData
- PayoutResponse
- PayoutResponseCard
- PayoutResponseCardAccount
- PayoutResponseCryptocurrencyAccount
- PayoutResponseCustomer
- PayoutResponseEWalletAccount
- PayoutResponsePayoutData
- PayoutUpdateRequest
- PayoutUpdateResponse
- PayoutsList
- Plan
- PlanDataList
- PlanUpdateRequest
- PlanUpdateRequestPlanData
- PlanUpdateResponse
- RecurringCallback
- RecurringCreationRequest
- RecurringCustomer
- RecurringFilterParameters
- RecurringGatewayCreationResponse
- RecurringGatewayResponseRecurringData
- RecurringPatchRequest
- RecurringPlanRequest
- RecurringPlanRequestPlanData
- RecurringPlanResponse
- RecurringRequestFiling
- RecurringRequestMerchantOrder
- RecurringRequestRecurringData
- RecurringResponse
- RecurringResponseFiling
- RecurringResponseMerchantOrder
- RecurringResponseRecurringData
- RecurringUpdateResponse
- RecurringsList
- RedirectUrlResponse
- RefundCallback
- RefundRequest
- RefundRequestCustomer
- RefundRequestEWalletAccount
- RefundRequestMerchantOrder
- RefundRequestPaymentData
- RefundRequestRefundData
- RefundResponse
- RefundResponseCard
- RefundResponseCardAccount
- RefundResponseCustomer
- RefundResponseEWalletAccount
- RefundResponsePaymentData
- RefundResponseRefundData
- RefundUpdateRequest
- RefundUpdateResponse
- RefundsList
- RenamedPlanData
- Request
- RequestUpdatedTransactionData
- ResponsePlanData
- ResponseUpdatedTransactionData
- ReturnUrls
- ScheduleOption
- ScheduleOptionsResponse
- ScheduledByMerchantData
- ScheduledData
- ShippingAddress
- Subscription
- SubscriptionCustomer
- SubscriptionFilterParameters
- SubscriptionGetResponse
- SubscriptionGetResponsePlan
- SubscriptionList
- SubscriptionUpdateRequest
- SubscriptionUpdateRequestSubscriptionData
- SubscriptionUpdateResponse
- ThreeDSecureData
- ThreeDSecureResponse
- TransactionMethodsList
- TransactionRequest
- TransactionResponseEWalletAccount
- TransactionResponseMerchantOrder
- TransactionUpdateRequest
- UpdatedPlanData
- UpdatedSubscriptionData
- UpdatedSubscriptionRecurringData
- PaymentConfirm3dsRequest
- PaymentExecuteRequest
- PaymentUpdateRequest
- RecurringConfirm3dsRequest
- RecurringExecuteRequest
- RecurringUpdateRequest