This is a helpful git tutorial by Atlassian.
When you try to install applications, modules etc, you sometimes get asked to use the following example command
sudo install
Doing this will give the app/module access to all your files, which is a privacy issue. You should not have to do this most of the time.
If you have installed something using sudo, you may want to reclaim ownership of your directory. To do this you need to run the following command:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
In the future it would help to try and figure out the error rather than giving in to using sudo.
A useful link to a wide range of JavaScript resources - Specially the Reading section: JS: The Right Way
A helpful video to learn the reduce and map methods in JavaScript:
A useful link to get started on making a server in Node.js
npm install node-http-server
Then when you need to run server run the following command:
http-server -p <port number>
A basic beginners tutorial for React.js, a front-end JavaScript library made by facebook.
IF you want to use a repo on github to then add to it without eventually pushing to it (as you would when you fork), then you have do the following:
- create an empty repo on github
- clone the repo you want to copy (let's call this the parent repo)
- cd into the parent repo and run the command:
git push --mirror
Mirroring only duplicates the repo but you are still connected to the parent, if you want to be separate from it do:
git remote set-url origin
Now you can start working in the child repo. (This technique is useful for using starter kits to build your project on top of).