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An extensible TypeScript toolkit that simplifies complex EVM blockchain interactions into composable, intent-based tools. Provides a unified, type-safe interface for both on-chain actions and off-chain data services, enabling developers to programmatically execute any blockchain operation across multiple EVM networks.


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An extensible TypeScript toolkit that simplifies complex EVM blockchain interactions into composable, intent-based tools. Provides a unified, type-safe interface for both on-chain actions and off-chain data services, enabling developers to programmatically execute any blockchain operation across multiple EVM networks.

Interested in contributing? Check out our guide!


The Agentek toolkit is structured as a monorepo with multiple publishable packages:

  • @agentek/tools - The main package containing all tools
  • @agentek/ai-sdk - AI SDK integration for Vercel AI SDK
  • @agentek/mcp-server - Model Context Protocol server


  • Node.js >= 18.0.0
  • npm, yarn, or pnpm


You can install the entire toolkit:

npm install @agentek/tools


npm install @agentek/ai-sdk


Using the full toolkit

import { createAgentekClient, allTools } from '@agentek/tools';
import { http } from 'viem';
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains';

const client = createAgentekClient({
  accountOrAddress: '0x...',
  chains: [mainnet],
  transports: [http()],
  tools: allTools({})

// Execute a tool
const result = await client.execute('getERC20BalanceTool', {
  address: '0x...',
  tokenAddress: '0x...'

Using with AI SDK

import { createAgentekClient, allTools } from '@agentek/tools';
import { AgentekToolkit } from '@agentek/ai-sdk';
import { http } from 'viem';
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains';

const toolkit = new AgentekToolkit({
  accountOrAddress: '0x...',
  chains: [mainnet],
  transports: [http()],
  tools: allTools({})

// Get tools for Vercel AI SDK
const aiTools = toolkit.getTools();

Using the MCP Server

The MCP (Model Context Protocol) server allows you to expose Agentek tools to LLMs via the Model Context Protocol. For more information, see the MCP Server README

Tools (111 total)

Available Tools

  1. resolveENS
  2. lookupENS
  3. getAllowance
  4. getBalanceOf
  5. getTotalSupply
  6. getDecimals
  7. getName
  8. getSymbol
  9. getTokenMetadata
  10. intentApprove
  11. intentTransfer
  12. intentTransferFrom
  13. getLatestTokens
  14. getBalance
  15. getCode
  16. getTransactionCount
  17. getBlock
  18. getBlockNumber
  19. getGasPrice
  20. estimateGas
  21. getFeeHistory
  22. getTransaction
  23. getTransactionReceipt
  24. getUniV3Pool
  25. getUserPositions
  26. getPoolFeeData
  27. getPositionDetails
  28. intentMintPosition
  29. intentIncreaseLiquidity
  30. intentDecreaseLiquidity
  31. intentCollectFees
  32. intentTransferPosition
  33. depositWETH
  34. withdrawWETH
  35. getNaniProposals
  36. intentStakeNani
  37. intentUnstakeNani
  38. intentProposeNani
  39. intentVoteNaniProposal
  40. getNativeCoinHolders
  41. getAddressInfo
  42. getAddressCounters
  43. getAddressTransactions
  44. getAddressTokenTransfers
  45. getAddressInternalTransactions
  46. getAddressLogs
  47. getAddressBlocksValidated
  48. getAddressTokenBalances
  49. getAddressTokens
  50. getAddressCoinBalanceHistory
  51. getAddressCoinBalanceHistoryByDay
  52. getAddressWithdrawals
  53. getAddressNFTs
  54. getAddressNFTCollections
  55. getBlockInfo
  56. getBlockTransactions
  57. getBlockWithdrawals
  58. getStats
  59. getMarketChart
  60. getTransactionsChart
  61. getTransactionInfo
  62. getTransactionTokenTransfers
  63. getTransactionInternalTransactions
  64. getTransactionLogs
  65. getTransactionRawTrace
  66. getTransactionStateChanges
  67. getTransactionSummary
  68. getSmartContracts
  69. getSmartContract
  70. getTokenInfo
  71. getTokenHolders
  72. getTokenTransfers
  73. getBlockscoutSearch
  74. getAaveUserData
  75. getAaveReserveData
  76. intentAaveDeposit
  77. intentAaveWithdraw
  78. intentAaveBorrow
  79. intentAaveRepay
  80. checkMaliciousAddress
  81. checkMaliciousWebsite
  82. scrapeWebContent
  83. getFearAndGreedIndex
  84. getSlowStatus
  85. predictTransferId
  86. canUnlockSlow
  87. getCanReverseSlowTransfer
  88. getSlowGuardianInfo
  89. getSlowTransferApprovalRequired
  90. intentDepositToSlow
  91. intentSetSlowGuardian
  92. intentWithdrawFromSlow
  93. intentApproveSlowTransfer
  94. intentUnlockSlow
  95. intentReverseSlowTransfer
  96. getNFTMetadata
  97. getCryptoPrice
  98. estimateGasCost
  99. getYieldTool
  100. compareYieldTool
  101. getYieldHistoryTool
  102. compareYieldHistoryTool
  103. askPerplexitySearch
  104. intent0xSwap
  105. tallyProposals
  106. tallyChains
  107. tallyUserDaos
  108. intentGovernorVote
  109. intentGovernorVoteWithReason
  110. getLatestCoindeskNewsTool
  111. getMarketEvents


An extensible TypeScript toolkit that simplifies complex EVM blockchain interactions into composable, intent-based tools. Provides a unified, type-safe interface for both on-chain actions and off-chain data services, enabling developers to programmatically execute any blockchain operation across multiple EVM networks.







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