Sheldon Cooper ALWAYS points out what (he thinks) is wrong with people and their work
is a console-application that finds all the division operations in
Python source code to facilitate transitioning Python 2 code to Python 3. It
uses Python's AST module to
process and parse the code. It, then traverses the abstract syntax tree to find
all the division operations, and prints them in a normal or more readable format
to the console.
- Python 2 won't be supported past 2020
Division in Python 3 always returns a
; whereas division in Python 2 can return anint
Critical for large Python 2 code bases that perform division operations
- Python 3
Method 1: Install from Pypi Method
pip3 install shldn
Or, if you use pipenv,
pipenv install shldn
Move to the desired directory to install shldn
git clone
Method 1 (Installed from Pypi):
In environment installed:
- Check if installed
pip list
- Execute
shldn [-h] [-hr] [-r] path
- Execute
python3 [-h] [-hr] [-r] path
positional arguments:
path path to python source file(s)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hr, --human_readable
set for friendlier output
-r, --recursive recursively check python files in path
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
- Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3 by Brett Cannon.