This package contains a collection of various tools developed as part of the eSalsa Project.
The eSalsa Project is a cooperation between the Netherlands eScience Center (NLeSC), the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (IMAU) at Utrecht University, and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU).
The goal of the eSalsa project is to determine to what extent regional sea level in the eastern North Atlantic will be affected by changes in ocean circulation over the next decades.
To be able to perform the necessary simulations, we will use an existing high-resolution ocean model, the Parallel Ocean Model (POP) which can be found at:
During the project we will improve and extend POP with support for distributed computing techniques and accelerators (GPUs).
For more information on the eSalsa project see:
Details of the latest version can be found on the eSalsa Tools project web site at:
For an overview of the available tools in this release please consult the users guide in the docs directory "docs/usersguide.pdf".
See the file "INSTALL.txt" for a description of how to install eSalsa Tools.
The javadoc of eSalsa Tools library is available in "javadoc/index.html".
This software is licensed under the terms you may find in the file named "LICENSE" in this directory.
This product includes the SLF4J library. See "notices/LICENSE.slf4j.txt" for the licence information of this library.