Adds a simple Render and Animation Button as well as Display Settings for Blender 2.8x.
Should work with Blender 2.8x.
Only tested on Windows10 64bit.
It gets added at the bottom of the Render Properties windows, just move it up and save over the startup file to always have it up at the beginning.
Download the
Please use the old 2.80 version for 2.80, 2.81 and up should work with the latest version.
Open the Blender Preferences (Edit - Preferences...) and click "Install Add-on from File..."
Select the
Save Preferences
Thanks to for the 2.81 fix attempt.
This is a quick hackjob, should not cause any issue but use on your own risk.
Removing/Adding the addon does not seem to cause any issues.
If you open older files with it enabled, the panel will be at the bottom again!
Not sure about licenses and stuff but feel free to edit/improve/share it as you like.
Its not like this is some mega complex script or anything.
Code is mostly just transferred from Blender 2.79.