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Aidermacs: AI Pair Programming in Emacs


Aidermacs brings AI-powered development to Emacs by integrating Aider, one of the most powerful open-source AI pair programming tools. If you're missing Cursor but prefer living in Emacs, Aidermacs provides similar AI capabilities while staying true to Emacs workflows.

Key Features

  • Intelligent model selection with multiple backends
  • Built-in Ediff integration for AI-generated changes
  • Enhanced file management from Emacs
  • Great customizability and flexible ways to add content

Community Speaks

Here's what the community is saying about Aidermacs:

"Are you using aidermacs? For me superior to cursor." - u/berenddeboer

"This is amazing... every time I upgrade my packages I see your new commits. I feel this the authentic aider for emacs" - u/wchmbo

"Between Aidermacs and Gptel it's wild how bleeding edge Emacs is with this stuff. My workplace is exploring MCP registries and even clients that are all the rage (E.g Cursor) lag behind what I can do with mcp.el and gptel for tool use." - u/no_good_names_avail

"This looks amazing... I have been using ellama with local llms, looks like that will work here too. Great stuff!!" - u/lugpocalypse

"Honestly huge fan of this. Thank you for the updates!" - u/ieoa

Quick Start

  1. Requirements
  1. Download Aidermacs through Melpa or Non-GNU Elpa, or clone manually
  2. Modify this sample config and place it in your Emacs init.el:
(use-package aidermacs
  :bind (("C-c a" . aidermacs-transient-menu))
  ; Set API_KEY in .bashrc, that will automatically picked up by aider or in elisp
  (setenv "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" "sk-...")
  ; defun my-get-openrouter-api-key yourself elsewhere for security reasons
  (setenv "OPENROUTER_API_KEY" (my-get-openrouter-api-key))
  ; See the Configuration section below
  (aidermacs-use-architect-mode t)
  (aidermacs-default-model "sonnet"))
  1. Open a project and run M-x aidermacs-transient-menu or C-c a (where you bind it)
  2. Add files and start coding with AI!


Getting Started

The main interface to Aidermacs is through its transient menu system (similar to Magit). Access it with:

M-x aidermacs-transient-menu

Or bind it to a key in your config:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") 'aidermacs-transient-menu)

Once the transient menu is open, you can navigate and execute commands using the displayed keys. Here's a summary of the main menu structure:

  • a: Start/Open Session (auto-detects project root)
  • .: Start in Current Directory (good for monorepos)
  • l: Clear Chat History
  • s: Reset Session
  • x: Exit Session
Persistent Modes
  • 1: Code Mode
  • 2: Chat/Ask Mode
  • 3: Architect Mode
  • 4: Help Mode
  • ^: Show Last Commit (if auto-commits enabled)
  • u: Undo Last Commit (if auto-commits enabled)
  • R: Refresh Repo Map
  • h: Session History
  • o: Change Main Model
  • ?: Aider Meta-level Help
File Actions
  • f: Add File (C-u: read-only)
  • F: Add Current File
  • d: Add From Directory (same type)
  • w: Add From Window
  • m: Add From Dired (marked)
  • j: Drop File
  • J: Drop Current File
  • k: Drop From Dired (marked)
  • K: Drop All Files
  • S: Create Session Scratchpad
  • G: Add File to Session
  • A: List Added Files
Code Actions
  • c: Code Change
  • e: Question Code
  • r: Architect Change
  • q: General Question
  • p: Question This Symbol
  • g: Accept Proposed Changes
  • i: Implement TODO
  • t: Write Test
  • T: Fix Test
  • !: Debug Exception

The All File Actions and All Code Actions entries open submenus with more specialized commands. Use the displayed keys to navigate these submenus.

File Management and AI Interaction

When using Aidermacs, you have the flexibility to decide which files the AI should read and edit. Here are some guidelines:

  • Editable Files: Add files you want the AI to potentially edit. This grants the AI permission to both read and modify these files if necessary.
  • Read-Only Files: If you want the AI to read a file without editing it, you can add it as read-only. In Aidermacs, all add file commands can be prefixed with C-u to specify read-only access.
  • Session Scratchpads: Use the session scratchpads (S) to paste notes or documentation that will be fed to the AI as read-only.
  • External Files: The "Add file to session" (G) command allows you to include files outside the current project (or files in .gitignore), as Aider doesn't automatically include these files in its context.

The AI can sometimes determine relevant files on its own, depending on the model and the context of the codebase. However, for precise control, it's often beneficial to manually specify files, especially when dealing with complex projects.

Aider encourages a collaborative approach, similar to working with a human co-worker. Sometimes the AI will need explicit guidance, while other times it can infer the necessary context on its own.

Prompt Files Minor Mode

Aidermacs provides a minor mode that makes it easy to work with prompt files and other Aider-related files. When enabled, the minor mode provides these convenient keybindings:

  • C-c C-n or C-<return>: Send line/region line-by-line
  • C-c C-c: Send block/region as whole
  • C-c C-z: Switch to Aidermacs buffer

The minor mode is automatically enabled for:

  • files (create with M-x aidermacs-open-prompt-file)
  • files
  • files
  • .aider.input.history files


Pre-Run Hook

You can use the aidermacs-before-run-backend-hook to run custom setup code before starting the Aider backend. This is particularly useful for:

  • Setting environment variables
  • Injecting secrets
  • Performing any other pre-run configuration

Example usage to securely set an OpenAI API key from password-store:

(add-hook 'aidermacs-before-run-backend-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setenv "OPENAI_API_KEY" (password-store-get "code/openai_api_key"))))

This approach keeps sensitive information out of your dotfiles while still making it available to Aidermacs.

Default Model Selection

You can customize the default AI model used by Aidermacs by setting the aidermacs-default-model variable:

(setq aidermacs-default-model "sonnet")

This enables easy switching between different AI models without modifying the aidermacs-extra-args variable.

Note: This configuration will be overwritten by the existence of an .aider.conf.yml file (see details).

Dynamic Model Selection

Aidermacs offers intelligent model selection for solo (non-Architect) mode, automatically detecting and integrating with multiple AI providers:

  • Automatically fetches available models from supported providers (OpenAI, Anthropic, DeepSeek, Google Gemini, OpenRouter)
  • Caches model lists for quick access
  • Supports both popular pre-configured models and dynamically discovered ones
  • Handles API keys and authentication automatically from your .bashrc
  • Provides model compatibility checking

The dynamic model selection is only for the solo (non-Architect) mode.

To change models in solo mode:

  1. Use M-x aidermacs-change-model or press o in the transient menu
  2. Select from either:
    • Popular pre-configured models (fast)
    • Dynamically fetched models from all supported providers (comprehensive)

The system will automatically filter models to only show ones that are:

  • Supported by your current Aider version
  • Available through your configured API keys
  • Compatible with your current workflow

Architect Mode - Separating Code Reasoning and Editing Models

Aidermacs features an experimental mode using two specialized models for each coding task: an Architect model for reasoning and an Editor model for code generation. This approach has achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on aider's code editing benchmark, as detailed in this blog post.

To enable this mode, set aidermacs-use-architect-mode to t. You must also configure the aidermacs-architect-model variable to specify the model to use for the Architect role.

By default, the aidermacs-editor-model is the same as aidermacs-default-model. You only need to set aidermacs-editor-model if you want to use a different model for the Editor role.

When Architect mode is enabled, the aidermacs-default-model setting is ignored, and aidermacs-architect-model and aidermacs-editor-model are used instead.

(setq aidermacs-use-architect-mode t)

You can switch to it persistently by M-x aidermacs-switch-to-architect-mode (3 in aidermacs-transient-menu), or temporarily with M-x aidermacs-architect-this-code (r in aidermacs-transient-menu).

You can configure each model independently:

;; Default model used for all modes unless overridden
(setq aidermacs-default-model "sonnet")

;; Optional: Set specific model for architect reasoning
(setq aidermacs-architect-model "deepseek/deepseek-reasoner")

;; Optional: Set specific model for code generation
(setq aidermacs-editor-model "deepseek/deepseek-chat")

The model hierarchy works as follows:

  • When Architect mode is enabled:
    • The Architect model handles high-level reasoning and solution design
    • The Editor model executes the actual code changes
  • When Architect mode is disabled, only aidermacs-default-model is used
  • You can configure specific models or let them automatically use the default model

Models will reflect changes to aidermacs-default-model unless they've been explicitly set to a different value.

Note: These configurations will be overwritten by the existence of an .aider.conf.yml file (see details).

Customize Weak Model

The Weak model is used for commit messages (if you have aidermacs-auto-commits set to t) and chat history summarization (default depends on –model). You can customize it using

;; default to nil
(setq aidermacs-weak-model "deepseek/deepseek-chat")

You can change the Weak model during a session by using C-u o (aidermacs-change-model with a prefix argument). In most cases, you won't need to change this as Aider will automatically select an appropriate Weak model based on your main model.

Note: These configurations will be overwritten by the existence of an .aider.conf.yml file (see details).

Architect Mode Confirmation

By default, Aidermacs requires explicit confirmation before applying changes proposed in Architect mode. This gives you a chance to review the AI's plan before any code is modified.

If you prefer to automatically accept all Architect mode changes without confirmation (similar to Aider's default behavior), you can enable this with:

(setq aidermacs-auto-accept-architect t)

Note: These configurations will be overwritten by the existence of an .aider.conf.yml file (see details).

Terminal Backend Selection

Choose your preferred terminal backend by setting aidermacs-backend:

vterm offers better terminal compatibility, while comint provides a simple, built-in option that remains fully compatible with Aidermacs.

;; Use vterm backend (default is comint)
(setq aidermacs-backend 'vterm)

Available backends:

  • comint (default): Uses Emacs' built-in terminal emulation
  • vterm: Leverages vterm for better terminal compatibility

Emacs theme support

The vterm backend will use the faces defined by your active Emacs theme to set the colors for aider. It tries to guess some reasonable color values based on your themes. In some cases this will not work perfectly; if text is unreadable for you, you can turn this off as follows:

;; don't match emacs theme colors
(setopt aidermacs-vterm-use-theme-colors nil)

Multiline Input Configuration

You can customize keybindings for multiline input, this key allows you to enter multiple lines without sending the command to Aider. Press RET normally to send the command.

;; Comint backend:
(setq aidermacs-comint-multiline-newline-key "S-<return>")
;; Vterm backend:
(setq aidermacs-vterm-multiline-newline-key "S-<return>")

Remote File Support with Tramp

Aidermacs fully supports working with remote files through Emacs' Tramp mode. This allows you to use Aidermacs on files hosted on remote servers via SSH, Docker, and other protocols supported by Tramp.

When working with remote files:

  • File paths are automatically localized for the remote system
  • All Aidermacs features work seamlessly across local and remote files
  • Edits are applied directly to the remote files
  • Diffs and change reviews work as expected

Example usage:

;; Open a remote file via SSH
(find-file "/ssh:user@remotehost:/path/to/")

;; Start Aidermacs session - it will automatically detect the remote context
M-x aidermacs-transient-menu

Prompt Selection and History

Aidermacs makes it easy to reuse prompts through:

  1. Prompt History - Your previously used prompts are saved and can be quickly selected
  2. Common Prompts - A curated list of frequently used prompts for common tasks defined in aidermacs-common-prompts:

When entering a prompt, you can:

  • Select from your history or common prompts using completion
  • Still type custom prompts when needed

The prompt history and common prompts are available across all sessions.

Diff and Change Review

Control whether to show diffs for AI-generated changes with aidermacs-show-diff-after-change:

;; Enable/disable showing diffs after changes (default: t)
(setq aidermacs-show-diff-after-change t)

When enabled, Aidermacs will:

  • Capture the state of files before AI edits
  • Show diffs using Emacs' built-in ediff interface
  • Allow you to review and accept/reject changes

Re-Enable Auto-Commits

Aider automatically commits AI-generated changes by default. We consider this behavior very intrusive, so we've disabled it. You can re-enable auto-commits by setting aidermacs-auto-commits to t:

;; Enable auto-commits
(setq aidermacs-auto-commits t)

With auto-commits disabled, you must manually commit changes using your preferred Git workflow.

Note: This configuration will be overwritten by the existence of an .aider.conf.yml file (see details).

Customize Aider Options with aidermacs-extra-args

If these configurations aren't sufficient, the aidermacs-extra-args variable enables passing any Aider-supported command-line options.

See the Aider configuration documentation for a full list of available options.

;; Set the verbosity:
(setq aidermacs-extra-args '("--verbose"))

These arguments will be appended to the Aider command when it is run. Note that the --model argument is automatically handled by aidermacs-default-model and should not be included in aidermacs-extra-args.

Overwrite Configuration with Configuration File

Aidermacs supports project-specific configurations via .aider.conf.yml files. To enable this:

  1. Create a .aider.conf.yml in your home dir, project's root, or the current directory, defining your desired settings. See the Aider documentation for available options.

  2. Tell Aidermacs to use the config file in one of two ways:

    ;; Set the `aidermacs-config-file` variable in your Emacs config:
    (setq aidermacs-config-file "/path/to/your/project/.aider.conf.yml")
    ;; *Or*, include the `--config` or `-c` flag in `aidermacs-extra-args`:
    (setq aidermacs-extra-args '("--config" "/path/to/your/project/.aider.conf.yml"))

Note: You can also rely on Aider's default behavior of automatically searching for .aider.conf.yml in the home directory, project root, or current directory, in that order. In this case, you do not need to set aidermacs-config-file or include --config in aidermacs-extra-args.

  • Important: When using a config file, all other Aidermacs configuration variables supplying an argument option (e.g., aidermacs-default-model, aidermacs-architect-model, aidermacs-use-architect-mode) are IGNORED. Aider will only use the settings specified in your .aider.conf.yml file. Do not attempt to combine these Emacs settings with a config file, as the results will be unpredictable.
  • Precedence: Settings in .aider.conf.yml always take precedence when a config file is explicitly specified.
  • Avoid Conflicts: When using a config file, do not include model-related arguments (like --model, --architect, etc.) in aidermacs-extra-args. Configure all settings within your .aider.conf.yml file.

Claude 3.7 Sonnet Thinking Tokens

Aider can work with Sonnet 3.7's new thinking tokens. You can now enable and configure thinking tokens more easily using the following methods:

  1. In-Chat Command: Use the /think-tokens command followed by the desired token budget. For example: /think-tokens 8k or /think-tokens 10000. Supported formats include 8096, 8k, 10.5k, and 0.5M.

  2. Command-Line Argument: Set the --thinking-tokens argument when starting Aidermacs. For example, you can add this to your aidermacs-extra-args:

    (setq aidermacs-extra-args '("--thinking-tokens" "16k"))

These methods provide a more streamlined way to control thinking tokens without requiring manual configuration of .aider.model.settings.yml files.

Note: If you are using an .aider.conf.yml file, you can also set the thinking_tokens option there.

Working with Prompt Files

The file is particularly useful for:

  • Storing frequently used prompts
  • Documenting common workflows
  • Quick access to complex instructions

You can customize which files automatically enable the minor mode by configuring aidermacs-auto-mode-files:

(setq aidermacs-auto-mode-files
        ""))  ; Add your own files



Please check Aider's FAQ for Aider related questions.

Can I use my own AI models?

Yes! Aidermacs supports any OpenAI-compatible API endpoint. Check Aider documentation on Ollama and LiteLLM.

Is my code sent to the AI provider?

Yes, the code you add to the session is sent to the AI provider. Be mindful of sensitive code.

Why aider not support Python 3.13

Aider only support Python 3.12 currently, you can use uv install aider:

uv tool install --force --python python3.12 aider-chat@latest

If you encounter a proxy-related issue , such as the error indicating that the 'socksio' package is not installed, please use:

uv tool install --force --python python3.12 aider-chat@latest --with 'httpx[socks]'

And adjust aidermacs program with below config.

(setq aidermacs-program (expand-file-name "~/.local/bin/aider"))

Video Demo

Community-Driven Development

Aidermacs thrives on community involvement. We believe collaborative development with user and contributor input creates the best software. We encourage you to:

  • Contribute Code: Submit pull requests with bug fixes, new features, or improvements to existing functionality.
  • Report Issues: Let us know about any bugs, unexpected behavior, or feature requests through GitHub Issues.
  • Share Ideas: Participate in discussions and propose new ideas for making Aidermacs even better.
  • Improve Documentation: Help us make the documentation clearer, more comprehensive, and easier to use.

Your contributions are essential for making Aidermacs the best AI pair programming tool in Emacs!