Adds an XP ranking system like the one found in GTA:O. Work in progress.
- Designed to emulate the native GTA:O system
- Saves and loads players XP / rank
- Add / remove XP from your own script / job
- Allows you listen for rank changes to reward players
- Fully customisable UI
- Integrated leaderboard
- Demos
- Requirements
- Download & Installation
- Upgrading to 1.0.0
- Upgrading to 1.3.0
- Configuration
- Functions
- Get player XP and Rank from other ESX resources
- Client Event Listeners
- Client Triggers
- Server Triggers
- UI
- Commands
- Demo Commands
- Contributing
- Legal
You can find an interactive demo here.
- Download and extract the package:
- Rename the
directory toesx_xp
- Drop the
directory into yourresources
directory on your server - Import the
file into your db - Add
ensure esx_xp
in yourserver.cfg
- Edit
to your liking - Start your server
- Rename the
column in theusers
table torp_rank
As of 1.3.0
the ranks are now stored as nested tables instead of the previous 1D array of XP values and have been moved to ranks.lua
Old structure
Config.Ranks = {
New structure
Config.Ranks = {
{ XP = 0 },
{ XP = 800 },
{ XP = 2100 },
{ XP = 3800 },
{ XP = 6100 },
If you have your own script accessing the ranks table, you'll need to update it, e.g.
Old method:
local rank4XP = Config.Ranks[4]
New method:
local rank4XP = Config.Ranks[4].XP
The config.lua
file is set to emulate GTA:O as close as possible, but can be changed to fit your own needs.
Config.Enabled = true -- enable / disable the resource
Config.Locale = 'en' -- Current language
Config.Width = 532 -- Sets the width of the XP bar in px
Config.Timeout = 5000 -- Sets the interval in ms that the XP bar is shown before fading out
Config.BarSegments = 10 -- Sets the number of segments the XP bar has. Native GTA:O is 10
Config.UIKey = 20 -- The key that toggles the UI - default is "Z"
Config.Leaderboard = {
Enabled = true, -- Enable the leaderboard
ShowPing = true, -- Show player pings on the leaderboard
Order = "rank", -- Order the player list by "name", "rank" or "id"
PerPage = 12 -- Max players to show per page
The ranks.lua
file contains the ranks / XP / callbacks. Each rank must have the XP
key with the required XP to reach the rank as the value.
You can pass an optional callback using the Action
Config.Ranks = {
{ XP = 0 }, -- Rank 1
{ -- Rank 2
XP = 800,
Action = function(xPlayer, rankUp, prevRank)
-- Function is called when the player hits this rank
-- xPlayer: table - The player's ESX player data
-- rankUp: boolean - whether the player reached or dropped to this rank
-- prevRank: number - the player's previous rank
{ XP = 2100 }, -- Rank 3
{ XP = 3800 }, -- Rank 4
Set initial XP rank for player
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_SetInitial(xp --[[ integer ]])
Set Rank for player. This will add the required XP to advance the player to the given rank.
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_SetRank(rank --[[ integer ]])
Give player XP
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_Add(xp --[[ integer ]])
Remove XP from player
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_Remove(xp --[[ integer ]])
Get player's current XP
Get player's current rank
-- Get rank from current XP
-- or
-- Get rank from given XP
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_GetRank(xp --[[ integer ]])
Get XP required to advance the player to the next rank
Get XP required to advance the player to the given rank
exports.esx_xp:ESXP_GetXPToRank(rank --[[ integer ]])
Get max attainable XP
Get max attainable rank
Show the UI
-- update the leaderboard at the same time
Hide the UI
Show the UI and hide after timeout
Sort the leaderboard
-- or
If you want to access the players xp and / or rank in other ESX
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerData()
local playerXP = xPlayer.xp
local playerRank = xPlayer.rank
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local playerXP = xPlayer.get("xp")
local playerRank = xPlayer.get("rank")
Wait for esx_xp
to be ready for use
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:ready", function(data --[[ table ]])
local currentXP = data.xp
local currentRank = data.rank
local xPlayer = data.player
-- esx_xp is ready for use
Listen for rank change events. These can be used to reward / punish the player for changing rank.
Listen for rank-up event
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankUp", function(newRank --[[ integer ]], previousRank --[[ integer ]])
-- Do something when player ranks up
Listen for rank-down event
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankDown", function(newRank --[[ integer ]], previousRank --[[ integer ]])
-- Do something when player drops a rank
The UI can be toggled with the Z
key by default. The UI will fade out after the interval defined by Config.Timeout
or you can close it immediately with the Z
The leaderboard is paginated and can be navigated with arrow keys. The number of players displayed per page can be customised with the PerPage
You can customise the UI key with Config.UIKey
in config.lua
The data in the leaderboard is refreshed whenever it is opened so you get up-to-date information.
Get current XP stats
You currently have xxxx XP
Your current rank is xxxx
You require xxxx XP to advance to rank yyyy
These commands are for testing and will change the UI, but no data will be saved.
If these are not required, you can delete the demo.lua
file and remove it's entry in the fxmanifest.lua
Set initial XP
/ESXP_SetInitial xp
Add XP
/ESXP_Add xp
Remove XP
/ESXP_Remove xp
Add fake player to leaderboard
Add number of fake players to leaderboard
/ESXP_AddFakePlayer count
Remove all fake players from leaderboard
Sort the leaderboard
/ESXP_SortLeaderboard order --[[ rank or name ]]
This require you to set ace permissions, i.e add_ace group.admin command.esxp_give allow
Give XP to player:
/esxp_give [playerId] [xp]
Take XP from player
/esxp_take [playerId] [xp]
Set player's XP
/esxp_set [playerId] [xp]
Set player's rank
/esxp_rank [playerId] [rank]
No. I thought about using it, but I created a HTML5 version of the GTA:O rankbar so I could have greater control / customisation. You can see the base system I created here.
With a little knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and JS you can change all aspects of the look and layout of the bar to make it fit with your UI. The main structure is defined in html/ui.html
, the main style is defined in html/css/app.css
and scripting is defined in html/js/app.js
You can find a demo of customised UI here
To lock something to a rank you can listen for the esx_xp:rankUp
or esx_xp:rankDown
Example of unlocking the minigun at rank 10:
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankUp", function(newRank, previousRank)
if newRank == 10 then
GiveWeaponToPed(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN"), 100, false, false)
If player ranks down then you can remove it:
AddEventHandler("esx_xp:rankDown", function(newRank, previousRank)
if newRank < 10 then
local player = PlayerPedId()
local weapon = GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN")
if HasPedGotWeapon(player, weapon, false) then
RemoveWeaponFromPed(player, weapon)
Pull requests welcome.
esx_xp - FiveM XP System
Copyright (C) 2020 Karl Saunders
This program Is free software: you can redistribute it And/Or modify it under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option) any later version.
This program Is distributed In the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty Of MERCHANTABILITY Or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License For more details.
You should have received a copy Of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If Not, see