This project is about the implementation of a snake game on a FPGA board, the board used:
The snake game is implemented by using several components. These components can either be made of out software, hardware, or synthesized from VHDL.
An overview of the components:
The snake is a implementation of the snake game in C. It is platform independant and therefore it is able to run on a Nios II CPU. See more:
The Nios II is a VHDL component which simulates a complete CPU. this CPU can run program written in C using a memory block from the QSys platform designer in combination with a VHDL JTAG interface to program the code. It is used to run the Snake driver
The VGA driver is a VHDL components which is responsible for driving a VGA screen connected to the VGA output of the FPGA board. The components accepts RGB values for each pixel. These values are retrieved from the Frame buffer.
The Frame buffer is a VHDL component taken from the QSys platform designer. It is a memory array which is connected to the Nios II softcore CPU, connections are also exposed to the VHDL Top-level system. It is used to pass pixel data form the program running on the Nios to the VGA driver.
The score display is a double 7-segment display encoder which is able to show a 6 bit number on 2 7-segemnt displays. It is used to display the game's current score.