If you need to find out whether a domain resolves to a cloud-hosted service such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Cloudflare, etc, then you can put all of the domains into a file and run GoCloud which will let you know whether they resolve to a cloud service.
git clone https://github.com/MantisSTS/GoCloud.git
cd GoCloud
go build .
./GoCloud -df domains.txt
The following Cloud Services are currently supported:
- Google Cloud
- Cloudflare
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft Azure
This tool was written and tested on go version go1.19.4
You can specify a set of nameservers nameservers.txt
to use which may be useful if you have many domains to check.
Latest Cloud IPs
Run the program with the -update
flag to download the latest IP ranges. This isn't done every time to save time on each run.
./GoCloud -update
Put all the domains into a file (domains.txt
for example) and run the program:
./GoCloud -df domains.txt
You can also pipe the domains into GoCloud:
cat domains.txt | ./GoCloud -t 100
Output to File
GoCloud will output the results to a JSON file when using the -o
./GoCloud -df domains.txt -nf nameservers.txt -o results.json
- Merge all the IP ranges per service instead of having multiple entries. I know why this happens but just need to fix it
@D3T3CH - Reporting bugs to me so I can fix them for everyone