mOS is the UNIX-like operating system developed from scratch and aims to be POSIX compliant.
- Filesystem
- Program loading
- UI (X11)
- Log
- Networking
- Signal
- Terminal
- mOS toolchain
- Port figlet
- Libc
- Port GNU Bash, Coreutils
- Unit testing
- Dynamic linker
- Port GCC (the GNU Compiler Collection)
- Browser
- Sound
- Symmetric multiprocessing
🍀 Optional features
- Setup 2-level paging in boot.asm
install packages
$ brew install qemu nasm gdb i386-elf-gcc i386-elf-grub bochs e2fsprogs xorriso
open your bash config and add lines below. Depending on your bash config, the file might be different. I use
, so it is.zshrc
# .zshrc alias grub-file=i386-elf-grub-file alias grub-mkrescue=i386-elf-grub-mkrescue
run emulator
$ cd src && mkdir logs $ ./ && ./ qemu iso
open another terminal
$ cd src $ gdb isodir/boot/mos.bin # in gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 (gdb) c
✍🏻 If you get this error hdiutil: attach failed - no mountable file systems
, installing extFS for MAC might help
Install packakges
$ sudo apt install build-essential autopoint bison gperf texi2html texinfo qemu automake-1.15 nasm xorriso qemu-system-i386
Install gcc cross compilier via
Install GCC (Version 9.1.0) & Binutils (Version 2.32).
Open src/toolchain/ and modify SYSROOT and PREFIX variables to fit in your case
PREFIX="$HOME/opt/cross" TARGET=i386-pc-mos # SYSROOT cannot locate inside PREFIX SYSROOT="$HOME/Projects/mos/src/toolchain/sysroot" JOBCOUNT=$(nproc)
Install mos toolchain
$ cd src/toolchain $ ./
Run Emulator
$ cd src && mkdir logs $ ./ $ cd ports/figlet && ./ && cd ../.. $ cd ports/bash && ./ make && cd ../.. $ cd ports/coreutils && ./ make && cd ../.. $ ./ qemu iso
Open another terminal
$ cd src $ gdb isodir/boot/mos.bin # in gdb (gdb) target remote localhost:1234 (gdb) c
✍️ To get userspace address for debugging
$ i386-mos-readelf -e program
# find the line below and copy Addr
# [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
# [ x] .text PROGBITS xxx xxx xxx 00 AX 0 0 4
Unit Test
$ cd test && git clone unity
$ make clean && make
, adding -s -S
right after qemu
to switch to debug mode. Currently, I use vscode + native debug -> click Run -> choose "Attach to QEMU"
by default, mOS logs output to terminal. If you want to monitor via file, doing following steps
# src/
-serial stdio
-serial file:logs/uart1.log
$ tail -f serial.log | while read line ; do echo $line ; done
✍🏻 Using tail
in pipe way to color the output (like above) causes a delay -> have to manually save in the IDE to get latest changes