Let your players choose when they want to fight! When a player is protected, they can't get damaged by other players and also can't damage other players themselves.
Extensive configuration!
Command | Use | Permission | Aliases |
/pvp |
Toggle pvp | pvptoggle.pvp |
N/A |
/pvp <user> |
Toggle pvp for user | pvptoggle.pvp.others |
N/A |
/pvp reload |
Reload the plugin | pvptoggle.reload |
N/A |
/pvpstatus |
Get if you are protected from pvp | pvptoggle.pvpstatus |
/pstatus , /ps |
This plugin supports PlaceholderAPI, and comes with the following placeholders.
Is the player vulnerable, expressed in configurable human-readable language.%pvp-toggle_boolvulnerable%
Is the player vulnerable, expressed intrue
# What should messages be prefixed with?
# You can use the formatting codes listed at https://minecraft.wiki/w/Formatting_codes#Color_codes
prefix: "§4PvP »"
# Should pvp be on by default?
default-pvp: false
# What is the message sent to players in the chat if they try to use the pvp command while on cooldown?
# %s is replaced by the time remaining, in the format of "1 minute and 32 seconds" or "32 seconds"
cooldown-message: "%s of cooldown remaining."
# After enabling pvp, how many seconds must a player wait before disabling it?
cooldown: 120
# Should players be prevented from disabling pvp during a fight?
anti-abuse: true
# Should players be able to hit themselves?
hit-self: true
# Should particles be spawned when a player is hit, but protected?
particles: true
# Should a message be sent to a player when they hit another player, but fail because that player is protected?
feedback: true
# Should a player's pvp status be reset when they die?
death-status-reset: true
# Should pvp be turned on after a player dies? Doesn't apply if death-status-reset is false.
death-status: false
# How many seconds should a player's cooldown be set to when they die? -1 to disable.
death-cooldown: -1
# After how many seconds should a player's pvp be automatically re-enabled? -1 to disable.
limited-time: -1
# Should a player be sent a chat message when their pvp is automatically re-enabled?
limited-message: "You are now %s"
# Should a player be sent a chat message when they die?
death-message: "You are now %s"
# Should players be able to attack pets of protected players?
protect-pets: true
# Should players ever be able to hit their own pets? (More "friendlies" coming soon)
friendly-fire: false
# What should the message be when a player tries to attack someone but fails because they're protected?
# %s is replaced with the name of the attacked.
pvp-off-message: "You can't fight %s!"
# %r is replaced with the name of the pet, for example "Wolf" or "King George II."
pet-pvp-message: "You can't fight %s's %r!"
# What should the message be when you try to attack your own team, but fail because friendly-fire is false?
ff-message: "Friendly fire!"
# What should the message be when toggle pvp?
# %s is replaced with the new state, "Vulnerable" or "Protected" by default.
toggle-message: "You are now %s"
# What should the message be when the console tries to do something that only players can do?
console-message: "§cYou can't use this command from the console."
# What should the message be when someone tries to do something, but can't because they don't have permission to?
permission-message: "You don't have permission to use this command."
# What should the message be after reloading this plugin?
reload-message: "Reloaded!"
# What should the message be when the targeted player can't be found?
# %s is replaced with the name of the targeted player.
not-found-message: "%s isn't online."
# What should the message be after toggling another player's pvp?
# %s is replaced with the name of the targeted player.
# %r is replaced with the new state, "Vulnerable" or "Protected" by default.
remote-toggle-message: "%s is now %r"
# What should the words for the two states of pvp be?
disabled: "§aProtected"
enabled: "§cVulnerable"
pvp-toggle IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH Microsoft Corporation, Minecraft IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF Microsoft Corporation