1- Installing mlx dependencies
sudo apt-get install make xorg libxext-dev zlib1g-dev libbsd-dev
2- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/Kuninoto/42_so_long
3- Navigate to lvl_2_so_long and run make
cd 42_so_long/lvl_2_so_long
4- make clean
so that you don't keep those object files that you won't need anymore
make clean
5- Run your new, extremely sexy, game, with a map of your choice!
./so_long maps/[which_ever_map_you_want].ber
'0' - Free space;
'1' - Wall;
'C' - Collectible;
'E' - Exit;
'P' - Player's starting position;
To be valid a map must respect the following:
- Be in .ber format;
- Be closed by walls;
- Be retangular;
- Contain only one P;
- Contain only one E;
- Contain at least one C;
- All elements must be accessible (not closed by walls);
- Be composed only by valid characters i.e 0, 1, C, E, P;
(You can check examples of valid maps on maps folder);
Subject: so_long en_subject
or make all
- compiles so_long
make bonus
- same as all
(added for subject purposes)
make clean
- wipes all object files
make fclean
- deletes so_long and all object files
make re
- fclean + all
- https://harm-smits.github.io/42docs/libs/minilibx/introduction.html
- https://itch.io/
- https://opengameart.org/
At 42School, almost every project must be written in accordance to the Norm, the schools' coding standard. As a result, the implementation of certain parts may appear strange and for sure had room for improvement.
Made by Nuno Carvalho (Kuninoto) | [email protected]