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An Interactive Streamlit app provides comprehensive option pricing tools using various mathematical models and techniques, including: Black-Scholes, Binomial Tree, and model benchmark

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Option Pricing Module


This module provides comprehensive option pricing tools using various mathematical models and techniques.

Option Pricing Models: Mathematical Foundations

1. Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model

Mathematical Formula

The Black-Scholes formula calculates the theoretical price of European-style options:

For a Call Option:

C = S * N(d1) - K * e^(-r*T) * N(d2)

For a Put Option:

P = K * e^(-r*T) * N(-d2) - S * N(-d1)


  • C: Call Option Price
  • P: Put Option Price
  • S: Current Stock Price
  • K: Strike Price
  • r: Risk-Free Interest Rate
  • T: Time to Expiration
  • N(): Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution Function

Key Parameters Calculation

  1. d1 Calculation:
d1 = [ln(S/K) + (r + σ²/2) * T] / (σ * √T)
  • ln(): Natural Logarithm
  • σ: Stock Price Volatility
  1. d2 Calculation:
d2 = d1 - σ * √T

Greeks Calculation

  1. Delta (Δ):

    • Measures rate of change in option price relative to stock price
    • Call Option: N(d1)
    • Put Option: N(d1) - 1
  2. Gamma (Γ):

    • Measures rate of change in delta
    Γ = φ(d1) / (S * σ * √T)

    Where φ() is the standard normal probability density function

  3. Vega (ν):

    • Measures sensitivity to volatility
    ν = S * φ(d1) * √T
  4. Theta (Θ):

    • Measures time decay of option value
    • Complex calculation involving stock price, volatility, and time

2. Binomial Tree Option Pricing Model

Mathematical Approach

The Binomial Tree model discretizes time into multiple steps, creating a tree of possible stock price movements.

Key Calculations

  1. Up and Down Factors:
u = e^(σ * √Δt)  # Up factor
d = 1/u          # Down factor
  1. Risk-Neutral Probability:
p = (e^(r*Δt) - d) / (u - d)
  1. Option Value Calculation:
    • Backward induction from expiration to present
    • At each node, compare intrinsic value with expected discounted value


  • Handles American-style options
  • More flexible than Black-Scholes
  • Can incorporate early exercise

3. Implied Volatility Estimation (Future Enhancement)


  • Reverse-engineer volatility from market option prices
  • Uses iterative numerical methods (e.g., Newton-Raphson)

Mathematical Assumptions

Black-Scholes Model Assumptions

  1. Log-normal distribution of stock prices
  2. No transaction costs
  3. No dividends
  4. Risk-free rate and volatility are constant
  5. European-style options only

Binomial Tree Model Assumptions

  1. Discrete-time model
  2. Stock price can move up or down
  3. Risk-neutral pricing framework

Option Pricing Models


This interactive Streamlit application provides comprehensive option pricing tools using various mathematical models and techniques, including:

  • Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model
  • Binomial Tree Option Pricing Model
  • Advanced Option Pricing Techniques


  • Python 3.8+
  • pip (Python package manager)

Setup and Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd option-pricing-model
  1. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended):
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Application

To launch the Streamlit application:

streamlit run


  • Interactive option pricing calculation
  • Multiple pricing model comparisons
  • Visualization of pricing accuracy
  • Greeks calculation
  • Model performance analysis

Mathematical Models

1. Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model

Calculates theoretical prices for European-style options.

2. Binomial Tree Option Pricing Model

Provides a more flexible approach to option pricing by discretizing time.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Deployment Instructions

Local Development

  1. Ensure you have Python 3.9-3.12 installed
  2. Create a virtual environment:
    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Upgrade pip and setuptools:
    pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  4. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the Streamlit app:
    streamlit run

Streamlit Deployment

  1. Ensure you have a requirements.txt file with all dependencies
  2. Set the main file as
  3. Use Python 3.9-3.12 for compatibility


  • If you encounter ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils':
    • Ensure you're using Python 3.9-3.12
    • Upgrade pip, setuptools, and wheel
    • Use the latest versions of dependencies
  • Consider using numpy>=1.26.0 and other flexible version constraints


# Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Web Application

# On Windows

# On macOS/Linux

Navigate to http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.


Python Module

from option_pricing import calculate_option_price

# Calculate option price
price = calculate_option_price(

Web Interface

  1. Choose Option Type (Call or Put)
  2. Enter Option Parameters
  3. Click "Calculate Option Price"

Update 12/13/24


  • Implied Volatility Calculation
  • Scenario Analysis
  • Models Comparison
  • Tooltips for Clarity
  • Greeks Calculation (Delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta)


MIT License


  • Fomula Accuracy
  • More Robust Calculation
  • Pricing for other assets classes


An Interactive Streamlit app provides comprehensive option pricing tools using various mathematical models and techniques, including: Black-Scholes, Binomial Tree, and model benchmark






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