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The Remote File Orchestrator allows for the remote management of file-based certificate stores. Discovery, Inventory, and Management functions are supported. The orchestrator performs operations by first converting the certificate store into a BouncyCastle PKCS12Store.


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Remote File Universal Orchestrator Extension

Integration Status: production Release Issues GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases)

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The Remote File Orchestrator Extension is a multi-purpose integration that can remotely manage a variety of file-based certificate stores and can easily be extended to manage others. The certificate store types that can be managed in the current version are:

  • RFJKS - Java Keystores of types JKS or PKCS12
  • RFPkcs12 - Certificate stores that follow the PKCS#12 standard
  • RFPEM - Files in PEM format
  • RFDER - Files in binary DER format
  • RFORA - Pkcs#12 formatted Oracle Wallets
  • RFKDB - IBM Key Database files

The Keyfactor Univeral Orchestrator (UO) and RemoteFile Extension can be installed on either Windows or Linux operating systems as well as manage certificates residing on servers of both operating systems. A UO service managing certificates on remote servers is considered to be acting as an Orchestrator, while a UO service managing local certificates on the same server running the service is considered an Agent. When acting as an Orchestrator, connectivity from the orchestrator server hosting the RemoteFile extension to the orchestrated server hosting the certificate store(s) being managed is achieved via either an SSH (for Linux and possibly Windows orchestrated servers) or WinRM (for Windows orchestrated servers) connection. When acting as an agent, SSH/WinRM may still be used, OR the certificate store can be configured to bypass these and instead directly access the orchestrator server's file system.

Please refer to the READMEs for each supported store type for more information on proper configuration and setup for these different architectures. The supported configurations of Universal Orchestrator hosts and managed orchestrated servers are detailed below:

UO Installed on Windows UO Installed on Linux
Orchestrated Server hosting certificate store(s) on remote Windows server WinRM connection SSH connection
Orchestrated Server hosting certificate store(s) on remote Linux server SSH connection SSH connection
Certificate store(s) on same server as orchestrator service (Agent) WinRM connection or local file system SSH connection or local file system

Note: when creating, adding certificates to, or removing certificates from any store managed by RemoteFile, the destination store file will be recreated. When this occurs current AES encryption algorithms will be used for affected certificates and certificate store files.

The Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension implements 6 Certificate Store Types. Depending on your use case, you may elect to use one, or all of these Certificate Store Types. Descriptions of each are provided below.



The RFJKS store type can be used to manage java keystores of types JKS or PKCS12. If creating a new java keystore and adding a certificate all via Keyfactor Command, the created java keystore will be of type PKCS12, as java keystores of type JKS have been deprecated as of JDK 9.

Use cases supported:

  1. One-to-many trust entries - A trust entry is defined as a single certificate without a private key in a certificate store. Each trust entry is identified with a custom alias.
  2. One-to-many key entries - One-to-many certificates with private keys and optionally the full certificate chain. Each certificate is identified with a custom alias.
  3. A mix of trust and key entries.


The RFPEM store type can be used to manage PEM encoded files.

Use cases supported:

  1. Trust stores - A file with one-to-many certificates (no private keys, no certificate chains).
  2. Single certificate stores with private key in the file.
  3. Single certificate stores with certificate chain and private key in the file.
  4. Single certificate stores with private key in an external file.
  5. Single certificate stores with certificate chain in the file and private key in an external file

NOTE: PEM stores may only have one private key (internal or external) associated with the store, as only one certificate/chain/private key combination can be stored in a PEM store supported by RFPEM. Private keys will be stored in encrypted or unencrypted PKCS#8 format (BEGIN [ENCRYPTED] PRIVATE KEY) based on the Store Password set on the Keyfactor Command Certificate Store unless managing a PEM store that currently contains a private key in PKCS#1 format (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY or BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY). Store password MUST be set to "No Password" if managing a store with a PKCS#1 private key, as encrypted PKCS#1 keys are not supported with this integration.

RFPkcs12 (RFPkcs12)


The RFPkcs12 store type can be used to manage any PKCS#12 compliant file format INCLUDING java keystores of type PKCS12.

Use cases supported:

  1. One-to-many trust entries - A trust entry is defined as a single certificate without a private key in a certificate store. Each trust entry MUST BE identified with a custom friendly name/alias.
  2. One-to-many key entries - One-to-many certificates with private keys and optionally the full certificate chain. Each certificate MUST BE identified with a custom friendly name/alias.
  3. A mix of trust and key entries. Each entry MUST BE identified with a custom friendly name/alias.
  4. Single certificate stores with a blank/missing friendly name/alias. Any management add job will replace the current certificate entry and will keep the friendly name/alias blank. The Keyfactor Command certificate store will show the current certificate thumbprint as the entry's alias.

Use cases not supported:

  1. Multiple key and/or trust entries with a mix of existing and non existing friendly names/aliases.
  2. Multiple key and/or trust entries with blank friendly names/aliases


The RFDER store type can be used to manage DER encoded files.

Use cases supported:

  1. Single certificate stores with private key in an external file.
  2. Single certificate stores with no private key.


The RFKDB store type can be used to manage IBM Key Database Files (KDB) files. The IBM utility, GSKCAPICMD, is used to read and write certificates from and to the target store and is therefore required to be installed on the server where each KDB certificate store being managed resides, and its location MUST be in the system $Path.

Use cases supported:

  1. One-to-many trust entries - A trust entry is defined as a single certificate without a private key in a certificate store. Each trust entry is identified with a custom alias.
  2. One-to-many key entries - One-to-many certificates with private keys and optionally the full certificate chain. Each certificate is identified with a custom alias.
  3. A mix of trust and key entries.


The RFORA store type can be used to manage Pkcs12 Oracle Wallets. Please note that while this should work for Pkcs12 Oracle Wallets installed on both Windows and Linux servers, this has only been tested on wallets installed on Windows. Please note, when entering the Store Path for an Oracle Wallet in Keyfactor Command, make sure to INCLUDE the eWallet.p12 file name that by convention is the name of the Pkcs12 wallet file that gets created.

Use cases supported:

  1. One-to-many trust entries - A trust entry is defined as a single certificate without a private key in a certificate store. Each trust entry is identified with a custom alias.
  2. One-to-many key entries - One-to-many certificates with private keys and optionally the full certificate chain. Each certificate is identified with a custom alias.
  3. A mix of trust and key entries.


This integration is compatible with Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator version 10.4 and later.


The Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension is supported by Keyfactor for Keyfactor customers. If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket with your Keyfactor representative. If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket via the Keyfactor Support Portal at

To report a problem or suggest a new feature, use the Issues tab. If you want to contribute actual bug fixes or proposed enhancements, use the Pull requests tab.

Requirements & Prerequisites

Before installing the Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension, we recommend that you install kfutil. Kfutil is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of creating store types, installing extensions, and instantiating certificate stores in Keyfactor Command.

Certificate stores hosted on Linux servers:
  1. The Remote File Orchestrator Extension makes use of a few common Linux commands when managing stores on Linux servers. If the credentials you will be connecting with need elevated access to run these commands or to access the certificate store files these commands operate against, you must set up the user id as a sudoer with no password necessary and set the config.json "UseSudo" value to "Y". When RemoteFile is using orchestration, managing local or external certificate stores using SSH or WinRM, the security context is determined by the user id entered in the Keyfactor Command certificate store or discovery job screens. When RemoteFile is running as an agent, managing local stores only, the security context is the user id running the Keyfactor Command Universal Orchestrator service account. The full list of these commands below:
Shell Command Used For
echo Used to append a newline and terminate all commands sent.
find Used by Discovery jobs to locate potential certificate stores on the file system.
cp Used by Inventory and Management Add/Remove/Create jobs to determine if certificate store file exists.
ls Used by Management Add/Remove jobs to copy the certificate store file to a temporary file (only when an alternate download folder has been configured).
chown Used by the Inventory and Management Add/Remove jobs to set the permissions on the temporary file (only when an alternate download folder has been configured).
tee Used by Management Add/Remove jobs to copy the temporary uploaded certificate file to the certificate store file (only when an alternate upload folder has been configured).
rm Used by Inventory and Management Add/Remove jobs to remove temporary files (only when an alternate upload/download folder has been configured).
install Used by the Management Create Store job when initializing a certificate store file.
orapki Oracle Wallet CLI utility used by Inventory and Management Add/Remove jobs to manipulate an Oracle Wallet certificate store. Used for the RFORA store type only.
gskcapicmd IBM Key Database CLI utility used by Inventory and Management Add/Remove jobs to manipulate an IBM Key Database certificate store. Used for the RFKDB store type only.
  1. When orchestrating management of local or external certificate stores, the Remote File Orchestrator Extension makes use of SFTP and/or SCP to transfer files to and from the orchestrated server. SFTP/SCP cannot make use of sudo, so all folders containing certificate stores will need to allow SFTP/SCP file transfer for the user assigned to the certificate store/discovery job. If this is not possible, set the values in the config.json appropriately to use an alternative upload/download folder that does allow SFTP/SCP file transfer. If the certificate store/discovery job is configured for local (agent) access, the account running the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator service must have access to read/write to the certificate store location, OR the config.json file must be set up to use the alternative upload/download file.

  2. SSH Authentication: When creating a Keyfactor certificate store for the remote file orchestrator extension, you may supply either a user id and password for the certificate store credentials (directly or through one of Keyfactor Command's PAM integrations), or supply a user id and SSH private key. When using a password, the connection is attempted using SSH Password Authentication. If that fails, Keyboard Interactive Authentication is automatically attempted. One or both of these must be enabled on the Linux box being managed. If private key authentication is desired, copy and paste the full SSH private key into the Password textbox (or pointer to the private key if using a PAM provider). Please note that SSH Private Key Authentication is not available when running locally as an agent. The following private key formats are supported:


Please reference Post Installation for more information on setting up the config.json file and Defining Certificate Stores and Discovering Certificate Stores with the Discovery Job for more information on defining and configuring certificate stores.

Certificate stores hosted on Windows servers: 1. When orchestrating management of external (and potentially local) certificate stores, the RemoteFile Orchestrator Extension makes use of WinRM to connect to external certificate store servers. The security context used is the user id entered in the Keyfactor Command certificate store or discovery job screen. Make sure that WinRM is set up on the orchestrated server and that the WinRM port (by convention, 5585 for HTTP and 5586 for HTTPS) is part of the certificate store path when setting up your certificate stores/discovery jobs. If running as an agent, managing local certificate stores, local commands are run under the security context of the user account running the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Service. Please reference [Certificate Stores and Discovery Jobs](#certificate-stores-and-discovery-jobs) for more information on creating certificate stores for the RemoteFile Orchestrator Extension.

Please consult with your company's system administrator for more information on configuring SSH/SFTP/SCP or WinRM in your environment.

Create Certificate Store Types

To use the Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension, you must create the Certificate Store Types required for your usecase. This only needs to happen once per Keyfactor Command instance.

The Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension implements 6 Certificate Store Types. Depending on your use case, you may elect to use one, or all of these Certificate Store Types.

  • Create RFJKS using kfutil:

    # RFJKS
    kfutil store-types create RFJKS
  • Create RFJKS manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFJKS manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFJKS with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFJKS Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFJKS Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFJKS Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFJKS Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Required Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFJKS Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFJKS Custom Fields Tab

  • Create RFPEM using kfutil:

    # RFPEM
    kfutil store-types create RFPEM
  • Create RFPEM manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFPEM manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFPEM with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFPEM Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFPEM Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFPEM Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFPEM Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Forbidden Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFPEM Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    IsTrustStore Trust Store The IsTrustStore field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the store will be identified as a trust store, which can hold multiple certificates without private keys. Example: 'true' for a trust store or 'false' for a store with a single certificate and private key. Bool false 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludesChain Store Includes Chain The IncludesChain field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the certificate store includes the full certificate chain along with the end entity certificate. Example: 'true' to include the full chain or 'false' to exclude it. Bool false 🔲 Unchecked
    SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath Separate Private Key File Location The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.pem'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory Ignore Private Key On Inventory The IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether to disregard the private key during inventory. Setting this to 'true' will allow inventory for the store without needing to supply the location of the private key or the password if the key is encrypted. However, doing this makes the store in effect inventory-only and no management jobs will be able to be run for this store. Example: 'true' to ignore the private key or 'false' to include it. Bool false 🔲 Unchecked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFPEM Custom Fields Tab

RFPkcs12 (RFPkcs12)
  • Create RFPkcs12 using kfutil:

    # RFPkcs12
    kfutil store-types create RFPkcs12
  • Create RFPkcs12 manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFPkcs12 manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFPkcs12 with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFPkcs12 Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFPkcs12 Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFPkcs12 Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFPkcs12 Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Required Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFPkcs12 Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFPkcs12 Custom Fields Tab

  • Create RFDER using kfutil:

    # RFDER
    kfutil store-types create RFDER
  • Create RFDER manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFDER manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFDER with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFDER Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFDER Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFDER Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFDER Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Forbidden Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFDER Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath Separate Private Key File Location The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.der'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFDER Custom Fields Tab

  • Create RFKDB using kfutil:

    # RFKDB
    kfutil store-types create RFKDB
  • Create RFKDB manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFKDB manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFKDB with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFKDB Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFKDB Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFKDB Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFKDB Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Required Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFKDB Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFKDB Custom Fields Tab

  • Create RFORA using kfutil:

    # RFORA
    kfutil store-types create RFORA
  • Create RFORA manually in the Command UI:

    Create RFORA manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called RFORA with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name RFORA Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name RFORA Short display name for the store type
    Capability RFORA Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create âś… Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server âś… Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed 🔲 Unchecked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password âś… Checked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    RFORA Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Required Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Optional This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    RFORA Advanced Tab

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    ServerUsername Server Username A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation Linux File Permissions on Store Creation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation Linux File Owner on Store Creation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    SudoImpersonatingUser Sudo Impersonating User The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'. String 🔲 Unchecked
    WorkFolder Location to use for creation/removal of work files The WorkFolder field should contain the path on the managed server where temporary work files can be created, modified, and deleted during Inventory and Management jobs. Example: '/path/to/workfolder'. String âś… Checked
    RemoveRootCertificate Remove Root Certificate from Chain Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    IncludePortInSPN Include Port in SPN for WinRM Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations. Bool False 🔲 Unchecked
    FileTransferProtocol File Transfer Protocol to Use Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other). MultipleChoice SCP,SFTP,Both 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    RFORA Custom Fields Tab


  1. Download the latest Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension from GitHub.

    Navigate to the Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension GitHub version page. Refer to the compatibility matrix below to determine whether the net6.0 or net8.0 asset should be downloaded. Then, click the corresponding asset to download the zip archive.

    Universal Orchestrator Version Latest .NET version installed on the Universal Orchestrator server rollForward condition in Orchestrator.runtimeconfig.json remote-file-orchestrator .NET version to download
    Older than 11.0.0 net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net6.0 net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net8.0 Disable net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net8.0 LatestMajor net8.0
    11.6 and newer net8.0 net8.0

    Unzip the archive containing extension assemblies to a known location.

    Note If you don't see an asset with a corresponding .NET version, you should always assume that it was compiled for net6.0.

  2. Locate the Universal Orchestrator extensions directory.

    • Default on Windows - C:\Program Files\Keyfactor\Keyfactor Orchestrator\extensions
    • Default on Linux - /opt/keyfactor/orchestrator/extensions
  3. Create a new directory for the Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension inside the extensions directory.

    Create a new directory called remote-file-orchestrator.

    The directory name does not need to match any names used elsewhere; it just has to be unique within the extensions directory.

  4. Copy the contents of the downloaded and unzipped assemblies from step 2 to the remote-file-orchestrator directory.

  5. Restart the Universal Orchestrator service.

    Refer to Starting/Restarting the Universal Orchestrator service.

  6. (optional) PAM Integration

    The Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension is compatible with all supported Keyfactor PAM extensions to resolve PAM-eligible secrets. PAM extensions running on Universal Orchestrators enable secure retrieval of secrets from a connected PAM provider.

    To configure a PAM provider, reference the Keyfactor Integration Catalog to select an extension, and follow the associated instructions to install it on the Universal Orchestrator (remote).

The above installation steps can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

Post Installation

The Remote File Orchestrator Extension uses a JSON configuration file. It is located in the {Keyfactor Orchestrator Installation Folder}\Extensions\RemoteFile. None of the values are required, and a description of each follows below:
"UseSudo": "N",
"DefaultSudoImpersonatedUser": "",
"CreateStoreIfMissing": "N",
"UseNegotiate": "N",
"SeparateUploadFilePath": "",
"FileTransferProtocol": "SCP",
"DefaultLinuxPermissionsOnStoreCreation": "600",
"DefaultOwnerOnStoreCreation": ""

UseSudo (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • Determines whether to prefix Linux command with "sudo". This can be very helpful in ensuring that the user id running commands over an ssh connection uses "least permissions necessary" to process each task. Setting this value to "Y" will prefix all Linux commands with "sudo" with the expectation that the command being executed on the orchestrated Linux server will look in the sudoers file to determine whether the logged in ID has elevated permissions for that specific command. Setting this value to "N" will result in "sudo" not being added to Linux commands.
  • Allowed values - Y/N
  • Default value - N
DefaultSudoImpersonatedUser (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • Used in conjunction with UseSudo="Y", this optional setting can be used to set an alternate user id you wish to impersonate with sudo. If this option does not exist or is set to an empty string, the default user of "root" will be used. Any user id used here must have permissions to SCP/SFTP files to/from each certificate store location OR the SeparateUploadFilePath (see later in this section) as well as permissions to execute the commands listed in the "Prerequisites and Security Considerations" section above. This value will be used for all certificate stores managed by this orchestrator extension implementation UNLESS overriden by the SudoImpersonatedUser certificate store type custom field setting described later in the Creating Certificate Store Types section.
  • Allowed values - Any valid user id that the destination Linux server will recognize
  • Default value - blank (root will be used)
  • Determines, during a Management-Add job, if a certificate store should be created if it does not already exist. If set to "N", and the store referenced in the Management-Add job is not found, the job will return an error with a message stating that the store does not exist. If set to "Y", the store will be created and the certificate added to the certificate store.
  • Allowed values - Y/N
  • Default value - N
UseNegotiateAuth (Applicable for Windows hosted certificate stores only)
  • Determines if WinRM should use Negotiate (Y) when connecting to the remote server.
  • Allowed values - Y/N
  • Default value - N
SeparateUploadFilePath (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • Set this to the path you wish to use as the location on the orchestrated server to upload/download and later remove temporary work files when processing jobs. If set to "" or not provided, the location of the certificate store itself will be used. File transfer is performed using the SCP or SFTP protocols (see the File TransferProtocol setting).
  • Allowed values - Any valid, existing Linux path configured to allow SCP/SFTP file upload/download tranfers.
  • Default value - blank (actual store path will be used)
FileTransferProtocol (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • Determines the protocol to use when uploading/downloading files while processing a job.
  • Allowed values - SCP, SFTP or Both. If "Both" is entered, SCP will be attempted first, and if that does not work, SFTP will be tried.
  • Default value - SCP.
DefaultLinuxPermissionsOnStoreCreation (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • The Linux file permissions that will be set on a new certificate store created via a Management Create job or a Management Add job where CreateStoreOnAddIsMissing is set to "Y". This value will be used for all certificate stores managed by this orchestrator instance unless overridden by the optional "Linux File Permissions on Store Creation" custom parameter setting on a specific certificate store. See the Creating Certificate Store Types section for more information on creating RemoteFile certificate store types.
  • Allowed values - Any 3 digit value from 000-777.
  • Default Value - blank (if this and the LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation certificate store setting are both left blank, the permissions on the parent folder will be used).
DefaultOwnerOnStoreCreation (Applicable for Linux hosted certificate stores only)
  • When a Management job is run to remotely create the physical certificate store on a remote server, by default the file owner and group will be set to the user name associated with the Keyfactor certificate store. Setting DefaultOwnerOnStoreCreation to an alternate valid Linux user name will set that as the owner instead. The owner AND group may be supplied by adding a ":" as a delimitter between the owner and group values, such as ownerId:groupId. Supplying only the ownerId will set that value as the file owner. The group name will default to how the Linux "install" command handles assigning the group. The optional "Linux File Owner on Store Creation" custom parameter setting for a specific certificate store can override this value for a specific store. See the Creating Certificate Store Types section for more information on creating RemoteFile certificate store types.
  • Allowed values - Any valid user id that the destination Linux server will recognize
  • Default Value - blank (if this and the LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation certificate store setting are both left blank, the owner of the parent folder will be used).

Defining Certificate Stores

The Remote File Universal Orchestrator extension implements 6 Certificate Store Types, each of which implements different functionality. Refer to the individual instructions below for each Certificate Store Type that you deemed necessary for your use case from the installation section.

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFJKS" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The IP address or DNS of the server hosting the certificate store. For more information, see Client Machine
      Store Path The full path and file name, including file extension if one exists where the certificate store file is located. For Linux orchestrated servers, StorePath will begin with a forward slash (i.e. /folder/path/storename.ext). For Windows orchestrated servers, it should begin with a drive letter (i.e. c:\folder\path\storename.ext).
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFJKS certificates. Specifically, one with the RFJKS capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFJKS certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFJKS --outpath RFJKS.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFJKS" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The IP address or DNS of the server hosting the certificate store. For more information, see Client Machine
      Store Path The full path and file name, including file extension if one exists where the certificate store file is located. For Linux orchestrated servers, StorePath will begin with a forward slash (i.e. /folder/path/storename.ext). For Windows orchestrated servers, it should begin with a drive letter (i.e. c:\folder\path\storename.ext).
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFJKS certificates. Specifically, one with the RFJKS capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFJKS --file RFJKS.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFPEM" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.ext) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.pem' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.pem'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFPEM certificates. Specifically, one with the RFPEM capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      IsTrustStore The IsTrustStore field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the store will be identified as a trust store, which can hold multiple certificates without private keys. Example: 'true' for a trust store or 'false' for a store with a single certificate and private key.
      IncludesChain The IncludesChain field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the certificate store includes the full certificate chain along with the end entity certificate. Example: 'true' to include the full chain or 'false' to exclude it.
      SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.pem'.
      IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory The IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether to disregard the private key during inventory. Setting this to 'true' will allow inventory for the store without needing to supply the location of the private key or the password if the key is encrypted. However, doing this makes the store in effect inventory-only and no management jobs will be able to be run for this store. Example: 'true' to ignore the private key or 'false' to include it.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store. For stores with PKCS#8 private keys, set the password for encrypted private keys (BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY) or 'No Value' for unencrypted private keys (BEGIN PRIVATE KEY). If managing a store with a PKCS#1 private key (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY), this value MUST be set to 'No Value'
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store. For stores with PKCS#8 private keys, set the password for encrypted private keys (BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY) or 'No Value' for unencrypted private keys (BEGIN PRIVATE KEY). If managing a store with a PKCS#1 private key (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY), this value MUST be set to 'No Value'

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFPEM certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFPEM --outpath RFPEM.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFPEM" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.ext) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.pem' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.pem'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFPEM certificates. Specifically, one with the RFPEM capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      IsTrustStore The IsTrustStore field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the store will be identified as a trust store, which can hold multiple certificates without private keys. Example: 'true' for a trust store or 'false' for a store with a single certificate and private key.
      IncludesChain The IncludesChain field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether the certificate store includes the full certificate chain along with the end entity certificate. Example: 'true' to include the full chain or 'false' to exclude it.
      SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.pem'.
      IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory The IgnorePrivateKeyOnInventory field should contain a boolean value ('true' or 'false') indicating whether to disregard the private key during inventory. Setting this to 'true' will allow inventory for the store without needing to supply the location of the private key or the password if the key is encrypted. However, doing this makes the store in effect inventory-only and no management jobs will be able to be run for this store. Example: 'true' to ignore the private key or 'false' to include it.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store. For stores with PKCS#8 private keys, set the password for encrypted private keys (BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY) or 'No Value' for unencrypted private keys (BEGIN PRIVATE KEY). If managing a store with a PKCS#1 private key (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY), this value MUST be set to 'No Value'
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store. For stores with PKCS#8 private keys, set the password for encrypted private keys (BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY) or 'No Value' for unencrypted private keys (BEGIN PRIVATE KEY). If managing a store with a PKCS#1 private key (BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY), this value MUST be set to 'No Value'

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFPEM --file RFPEM.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

RFPkcs12 (RFPkcs12)
  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFPkcs12" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.p12) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.p12' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.p12'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFPkcs12 certificates. Specifically, one with the RFPkcs12 capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFPkcs12 certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFPkcs12 --outpath RFPkcs12.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFPkcs12" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.p12) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.p12' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.p12'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFPkcs12 certificates. Specifically, one with the RFPkcs12 capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFPkcs12 --file RFPkcs12.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFDER" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.der) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.der' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.der'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFDER certificates. Specifically, one with the RFDER capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.der'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFDER certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFDER --outpath RFDER.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFDER" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.der) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.der' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.der'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFDER certificates. Specifically, one with the RFDER capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath The SeparatePrivateKeyFilePath field should contain the full path and file name where the separate private key file will be stored if it is to be kept outside the main certificate file. Example: '/path/to/privatekey.der'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFDER --file RFDER.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFKDB" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.kdb) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.kdb' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.kdb'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFKDB certificates. Specifically, one with the RFKDB capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFKDB certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFKDB --outpath RFKDB.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFKDB" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name, including file extension if applicable, beginning with a forward slash (/) for Linux orchestrated servers or a drive letter (i.e., c:\folder\path\storename.kdb) for Windows orchestrated servers. Example: '/folder/path/storename.kdb' or 'c:\folder\path\storename.kdb'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFKDB certificates. Specifically, one with the RFKDB capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFKDB --file RFKDB.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFORA" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name of the Oracle Wallet, including the 'eWallet.p12' file name by convention. Example: '/path/to/eWallet.p12' or 'c:\path\to\eWallet.p12'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFORA certificates. Specifically, one with the RFORA capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      WorkFolder The WorkFolder field should contain the path on the managed server where temporary work files can be created, modified, and deleted during Inventory and Management jobs. Example: '/path/to/workfolder'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the RFORA certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name RFORA --outpath RFORA.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "RFORA" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine The Client Machine field should contain the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server for Linux orchestrated servers, formatted as a URL (protocol://dns-or-ip:port) for Windows orchestrated servers, or '
      Store Path The Store Path field should contain the full path and file name of the Oracle Wallet, including the 'eWallet.p12' file name by convention. Example: '/path/to/eWallet.p12' or 'c:\path\to\eWallet.p12'.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing RFORA certificates. Specifically, one with the RFORA capability.
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation The LinuxFilePermissionsOnStoreCreation field should contain a three-digit value between 000 and 777 representing the Linux file permissions to be set for the certificate store upon creation. Example: '600' or '755'.
      LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation The LinuxFileOwnerOnStoreCreation field should contain a valid user ID recognized by the destination Linux server, optionally followed by a colon and a group ID if the group owner differs. Example: 'userID' or 'userID:groupID'.
      SudoImpersonatingUser The SudoImpersonatingUser field should contain a valid user ID to impersonate using sudo on the destination Linux server. Example: 'impersonatedUserID'.
      WorkFolder The WorkFolder field should contain the path on the managed server where temporary work files can be created, modified, and deleted during Inventory and Management jobs. Example: '/path/to/workfolder'.
      RemoveRootCertificate Remove root certificate from chain when adding/renewing a certificate in a store.
      IncludePortInSPN Internally set the -IncludePortInSPN option when creating the remote PowerShell connection. Needed for some Kerberos configurations.
      FileTransferProtocol Which protocol should be used when uploading/downloading files - SCP, SFTP, or Both (try one, and then if necessary, the other).
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername A username (or valid PAM key if the username is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      ServerPassword A password (or valid PAM key if the password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can also be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check No Value
      Store Password Password used to secure the Certificate Store

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name RFORA --file RFORA.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

Discovering Certificate Stores with the Discovery Job

When scheduling discovery jobs in Keyfactor Command, there are a few fields that are important to highlight here:

Client Machine

The IP address or DNS of the server hosting the certificate store. For more information, see Client Machine

Server Username/Password

A username and password (or valid PAM key if the username and/or password is stored in a KF Command configured PAM integration). The password can be an SSH private key if connecting via SSH to a server using SSH private key authentication. If acting as an agent using local file access, just check "No Value" for the username and password.

Directories to Search

Enter one or more comma delimitted file paths to search (please reference the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide for more information), but there is also a special value that can be used on Windows orchestrated servers instead - "fullscan". Entering fullscan in this field will tell the RemoteFile discovery job to search all available drive letters at the root and recursively search all of them for files matching the other search criteria.


In addition to entering one or more comma delimitted extensions to search for (please reference the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide for more information), a reserved value of "noext" can be used that will cause the RemoteFile discovery job to search for files that do not have an extension. This value can be chained with other extensions using the comma delimiter. For example, entering pem,jks,noext will cause the RemoteFile discovery job to return file locations with extensions of "pem", "jks", and files that do not have extensions.

Please refer to the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide for complete information on creating certificate stores and scheduling discovery jobs in Keyfactor Command.

Client Machine Instructions

When creating a Certificate Store or scheduling a Discovery Job, you will be asked to provide a "Client Machine".

For Linux orchestrated servers, "Client Machine" should be the DNS name or IP address of the remote orchestrated server, while for Windows orchestratred servers, it should be the following URL format: protocol://dns-or-ip:port, where

  • protocol is http or https, whatever your WinRM configuration uses
  • dns-or-ip is the DNS name or IP address of the server
  • port is the port WinRM is running under, usually 5985 for http and 5986 for https.


If running as an agent (accessing stores on the server where the Universal Orchestrator Services is installed ONLY), Client Machine can be entered as stated above, OR you can bypass SSH/WinRM and access the local file system directly by adding "|LocalMachine" to the end of your value for Client Machine, for example "|LocalMachine". In this instance the value to the left of the pipe (|) is ignored. It is important to make sure the values for Client Machine and Store Path together are unique for each certificate store created, as Keyfactor Command requires the Store Type you select, along with Client Machine, and Store Path together must be unique. To ensure this, it is good practice to put the full DNS or IP Address to the left of the | character when setting up a cerificate store that will accessed without a WinRM/SSH connection.

Developer Notes

The Remote File Orchestrator Extension is designed to be highly extensible, enabling its use with various file-based certificate stores beyond the specific implementations currently referenced above. The advantage to extending this integration rather than creating a new one is that the configuration, remoting, and Inventory/Management/Discovery logic is already written. The developer needs to only implement a few classes and write code to convert the destired file based store to a common format. This section describes the steps necessary to add additional store/file types. Please note that familiarity with the .Net Core BouncyCastle cryptography library is a prerequisite for adding additional supported file/store types.

Steps to create a new supported file based certificate store type:

  1. Clone this repository from GitHub
  2. Open the .net core solution in the IDE of your choice
  3. Under the ImplementationStoreTypes folder, create a new folder named for the new certificate store type
  4. Create a new class (with namespace of Keyfactor.Extensions.Orchestrator.RemoteFile.{NewType}) in the new folder that will implement ICertificateStoreSerializer. By convention, {StoreTypeName}CertificateSerializer would be a good choice for the class name. This interface requires you to implement three methods:
    • DesrializeRemoteCertificateStore - This method takes in a byte array containing the contents of file based store you are managing. The developer will need to convert that to an Org.BouncyCastle.Pkcs.Pkcs12Store class and return it.
    • SerializeRemoteCertificateStore - This method takes in an Org.BouncyCastle.Pkcs.Pkcs12Store and converts it to a collection of custom file representations.
    • GetPrivateKeyPath - This method returns the location of the external private key file for single certificate stores. Currently this is only used for RFPEM, and all other implementations return NULL for this method. If this is not applicable to your implementation just return a NULL value for this method.
  5. Create an Inventory.cs class (with namespace of Keyfactor.Extensions.Orchestrator.RemoteFile.{NewType}) under the new folder and have it inherit InventoryBase. Override the internal GetCertificateStoreSerializer() method with a one line implementation returning a new instantiation of the class created in step 4.
  6. Create a Management.cs class (with namespace of Keyfactor.Extensions.Orchestrator.RemoteFile.{NewType}) under the new folder and have it inherit ManagementBase. Override the internal GetCertificateStoreSerializer() method with a one line implementation returning a new instantiation of the class created in step 4.
  7. Modify the manifest.json file to add three new sections (for Inventory, Management, and Discovery). Make sure for each, the "NewType" in Certstores.{NewType}.{Operation}, matches what you will use for the certificate store type short name in Keyfactor Command. On the "TypeFullName" line for all three sections, make sure the namespace matches what you used for your new classes. Note that the namespace for Discovery uses a common class for all supported types. Discovery is a common implementation for all supported store types.
  8. Modify the integration-manifest.json file to add the new store type under the store_types element.


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.

Related Integrations

See all Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator extensions.


The Remote File Orchestrator allows for the remote management of file-based certificate stores. Discovery, Inventory, and Management functions are supported. The orchestrator performs operations by first converting the certificate store into a BouncyCastle PKCS12Store.








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