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AWS Certificate Manager is a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over…


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AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator Extension

Integration Status: production Release Issues GitHub Downloads (all assets, all releases)

Support · Installation · License · Related Integrations


AWS Certificate Manager is a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over the Internet as well as resources on private networks. AWS Certificate Manager removes the time-consuming manual process of purchasing, uploading, and renewing SSL/TLS certificates. The orchestrator supports Okta OAth authentication, as well as AWS IAM accounts. The Okta Support allows authentication against a 3rd party identity provider in AWS. From there you can get temporary credentials for a role that you setup in each AWS Account.

This integration also supports the reading of existing certificate ACM key/value pair tags during inventory and adding these tags when adding new certificates. Modifying and adding ACM tags during certificate renewal, however, is NOT supported. This is due to the fact that the AWS API does not allow for ACM tag modification when updating a certificate in one step. This would need to be done in multiple steps, leading to the possibility of the certificate being left in an error state if any intermediate step were to fail. However, while the modification/addition of ACM tags is not supported, all existing ACM tags WILL remain in place during renewal.



This integration is compatible with Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator version 10.1 and later.


The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket by either contacting your Keyfactor representative or via the Keyfactor Support Portal at

To report a problem or suggest a new feature, use the Issues tab. If you want to contribute actual bug fixes or proposed enhancements, use the Pull requests tab.

Requirements & Prerequisites

Before installing the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension, we recommend that you install kfutil. Kfutil is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of creating store types, installing extensions, and instantiating certificate stores in Keyfactor Command.

Setting up AWS Authentication

Depending on your choice of authentication providers, choose the appropriate section:

AWS Certificate Manager AWS-ACM

AWS Setup

Options for authenticating:

  1. Okta or other OAuth configuration (refer to AwsCerManO below)
  2. IAM User Auth configuration (refer to AwsCerManA below)
  3. EC2 Role Auth or other default method supported by the AWS SDK

As one option for #3, to set up Role Auth for an EC2 instance, follow the steps below. Note, this applies specifically when the orchestrator is running ACM-AWS inside of an EC2 instance. When the option to assume an EC2 role is selected, the Account ID and Role will be assumed using the default credentials supplied in the EC2 instance via the AWS SDK.

  1. Assign or note the existing IAM Role assigned to the EC2 instance running
  2. Make sure that role has access to ACM
  3. When configuring the AWS-ACM store, do not select either IAM or OAuth methods in the store's settings. This will make it use the AWS SDK to lookup EC2 credentials.
[Deprecated] AWS Certificate Manager with Okta Auth Configuration AwsCerManO

AWS Setup

  1. A 3rd party identity provider similar to this needs to be setup in AWS for each account.
  2. An Aws Role similar to this needs Added for each AWS account.
  3. Ensure the trust relationship is setup for that role. Should look like this.

OKTA Setup

  1. Ensure your Authorization Server Is Setup in OKTA. Here is a sample.
  2. Ensure the appropriate scopes are setup in Okta. Here is a sample.
  3. Setup an Okta App with similar settings to this and this.
[Deprecated] AWS Certificate Manager with IAM Auth Configuration AwsCerManA

AWS Setup

  1. An Aws Role Needs Added for the permissions you want to grant, see sample.
  2. A Trust Relationship is setup for that role. Should look like something like this.
  3. AWS does not support programmatic access for AWS SSO accounts. The account used here must be a standard AWS IAM User with an Access Key credential type.

Create the AWS-ACM Certificate Store Type

To use the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension, you must create the AWS-ACM Certificate Store Type. This only needs to happen once per Keyfactor Command instance.

  • Create AWS-ACM using kfutil:

    # AWS Certificate Manager
    kfutil store-types create AWS-ACM
  • Create AWS-ACM manually in the Command UI:

    Create AWS-ACM manually in the Command UI

    Create a store type called AWS-ACM with the attributes in the tables below:

    Basic Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Name AWS Certificate Manager Display name for the store type (may be customized)
    Short Name AWS-ACM Short display name for the store type
    Capability AWS-ACM Store type name orchestrator will register with. Check the box to allow entry of value
    Supports Add ✅ Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Add
    Supports Remove ✅ Checked Check the box. Indicates that the Store Type supports Management Remove
    Supports Discovery 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Discovery
    Supports Reenrollment 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports Reenrollment
    Supports Create 🔲 Unchecked Indicates that the Store Type supports store creation
    Needs Server ✅ Checked Determines if a target server name is required when creating store
    Blueprint Allowed ✅ Checked Determines if store type may be included in an Orchestrator blueprint
    Uses PowerShell 🔲 Unchecked Determines if underlying implementation is PowerShell
    Requires Store Password 🔲 Unchecked Enables users to optionally specify a store password when defining a Certificate Store.
    Supports Entry Password 🔲 Unchecked Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a password.

    The Basic tab should look like this:

    AWS-ACM Basic Tab

    Advanced Tab

    Attribute Value Description
    Supports Custom Alias Optional Determines if an individual entry within a store can have a custom Alias.
    Private Key Handling Required This determines if Keyfactor can send the private key associated with a certificate to the store. Required because IIS certificates without private keys would be invalid.
    PFX Password Style Default 'Default' - PFX password is randomly generated, 'Custom' - PFX password may be specified when the enrollment job is created (Requires the Allow Custom Password application setting to be enabled.)

    The Advanced tab should look like this:

    AWS-ACM Advanced Tab

    For Keyfactor Command versions 24.4 and later, a Certificate Format dropdown is available with PFX and PEM options. Ensure that PFX is selected, as this determines the format of new and renewed certificates sent to the Orchestrator during a Management job. Currently, all Keyfactor-supported Orchestrator extensions support only PFX.

    Custom Fields Tab

    Custom fields operate at the certificate store level and are used to control how the orchestrator connects to the remote target server containing the certificate store to be managed. The following custom fields should be added to the store type:

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value/Options Required
    UseEC2AssumeRole Assume new Account / Role in EC2 A switch to enable the store to assume a new Account ID and Role when using EC2 credentials Bool false ✅ Checked
    UseOAuth Use OAuth 2.0 Provider A switch to enable the store to use an OAuth provider workflow to authenticate with AWS ACM Bool false ✅ Checked
    UseIAM Use IAM User Auth A switch to enable the store to use IAM User auth to assume a role when authenticating with AWS ACM Bool false ✅ Checked
    EC2AssumeRole AWS Role to Assume (EC2) The AWS Role to assume using the EC2 instance credentials String 🔲 Unchecked
    OAuthScope OAuth Scope This is the OAuth Scope needed for Okta OAuth, defined in Okta String 🔲 Unchecked
    OAuthGrantType OAuth Grant Type In OAuth 2.0, the term �grant type� refers to the way an application gets an access token. In Okta this is client_credentials String client_credentials 🔲 Unchecked
    OAuthUrl OAuth Url An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls String https://***/oauth2/default/v1/token 🔲 Unchecked
    IAMAssumeRole AWS Role to Assume (IAM) The AWS Role to assume as the IAM User. String 🔲 Unchecked
    OAuthAssumeRole AWS Role to Assume (OAuth) The AWS Role to assume after getting an OAuth token. String 🔲 Unchecked
    ExternalId sts:ExternalId An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls String 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerUsername Server Username The AWS Access Key for an IAM User or Client ID for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use. Secret 🔲 Unchecked
    ServerPassword Server Password The AWS Access Secret for an IAM User or Client Secret for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use. Secret 🔲 Unchecked

    The Custom Fields tab should look like this:

    AWS-ACM Custom Fields Tab

    Entry Parameters Tab

    Name Display Name Description Type Default Value Entry has a private key Adding an entry Removing an entry Reenrolling an entry
    AWS Region AWS Region When adding, this is the Region that the Certificate will be added to String 🔲 Unchecked ✅ Checked 🔲 Unchecked 🔲 Unchecked
    ACM Tags ACM Tags The optional ACM tags that should be assigned to the certificate. Multiple name/value pairs may be entered in the format of Name1=Value1,Name2=Value2,...,NameN=ValueN String 🔲 Unchecked 🔲 Unchecked 🔲 Unchecked 🔲 Unchecked

    The Entry Parameters tab should look like this:

    AWS-ACM Entry Parameters Tab


  1. Download the latest AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension from GitHub.

    Navigate to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension GitHub version page. Refer to the compatibility matrix below to determine whether the net6.0 or net8.0 asset should be downloaded. Then, click the corresponding asset to download the zip archive.

    Universal Orchestrator Version Latest .NET version installed on the Universal Orchestrator server rollForward condition in Orchestrator.runtimeconfig.json aws-orchestrator .NET version to download
    Older than 11.0.0 net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net6.0 net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net8.0 Disable net6.0
    Between 11.0.0 and 11.5.1 (inclusive) net8.0 LatestMajor net8.0
    11.6 and newer net8.0 net8.0

    Unzip the archive containing extension assemblies to a known location.

    Note If you don't see an asset with a corresponding .NET version, you should always assume that it was compiled for net6.0.

  2. Locate the Universal Orchestrator extensions directory.

    • Default on Windows - C:\Program Files\Keyfactor\Keyfactor Orchestrator\extensions
    • Default on Linux - /opt/keyfactor/orchestrator/extensions
  3. Create a new directory for the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension inside the extensions directory.

    Create a new directory called aws-orchestrator.

    The directory name does not need to match any names used elsewhere; it just has to be unique within the extensions directory.

  4. Copy the contents of the downloaded and unzipped assemblies from step 2 to the aws-orchestrator directory.

  5. Restart the Universal Orchestrator service.

    Refer to Starting/Restarting the Universal Orchestrator service.

  6. (optional) PAM Integration

    The AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Universal Orchestrator extension is compatible with all supported Keyfactor PAM extensions to resolve PAM-eligible secrets. PAM extensions running on Universal Orchestrators enable secure retrieval of secrets from a connected PAM provider.

    To configure a PAM provider, reference the Keyfactor Integration Catalog to select an extension, and follow the associated instructions to install it on the Universal Orchestrator (remote).

The above installation steps can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.

Defining Certificate Stores

  • Manually with the Command UI

    Create Certificate Stores manually in the UI
    1. Navigate to the Certificate Stores page in Keyfactor Command.

      Log into Keyfactor Command, toggle the Locations dropdown, and click Certificate Stores.

    2. Add a Certificate Store.

      Click the Add button to add a new Certificate Store. Use the table below to populate the Attributes in the Add form.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "AWS Certificate Manager" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine This is the AWS Account ID that will be used for access. This will dictate what certificates are usable by the orchestrator. Note: this does not have any effect on EC2 inferred credentials, which are limited to a specific role/account.
      Store Path The AWS Region, or a comma-separated list of multiple regions, the store will operate in.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing AWS-ACM certificates. Specifically, one with the AWS-ACM capability.
      UseEC2AssumeRole A switch to enable the store to assume a new Account ID and Role when using EC2 credentials
      UseOAuth A switch to enable the store to use an OAuth provider workflow to authenticate with AWS ACM
      UseIAM A switch to enable the store to use IAM User auth to assume a role when authenticating with AWS ACM
      EC2AssumeRole The AWS Role to assume using the EC2 instance credentials
      OAuthScope This is the OAuth Scope needed for Okta OAuth, defined in Okta
      OAuthGrantType In OAuth 2.0, the term �grant type� refers to the way an application gets an access token. In Okta this is client_credentials
      OAuthUrl An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls
      IAMAssumeRole The AWS Role to assume as the IAM User.
      OAuthAssumeRole The AWS Role to assume after getting an OAuth token.
      ExternalId An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls
      ServerUsername The AWS Access Key for an IAM User or Client ID for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      ServerPassword The AWS Access Secret for an IAM User or Client Secret for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername The AWS Access Key for an IAM User or Client ID for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      ServerPassword The AWS Access Secret for an IAM User or Client Secret for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.

      Please refer to the Universal Orchestrator (remote) usage section (PAM providers on the Keyfactor Integration Catalog) for your selected PAM provider for instructions on how to load attributes orchestrator-side.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

  • Using kfutil

    Create Certificate Stores with kfutil
    1. Generate a CSV template for the AWS-ACM certificate store

      kfutil stores import generate-template --store-type-name AWS-ACM --outpath AWS-ACM.csv
    2. Populate the generated CSV file

      Open the CSV file, and reference the table below to populate parameters for each Attribute.

      Attribute Description
      Category Select "AWS Certificate Manager" or the customized certificate store name from the previous step.
      Container Optional container to associate certificate store with.
      Client Machine This is the AWS Account ID that will be used for access. This will dictate what certificates are usable by the orchestrator. Note: this does not have any effect on EC2 inferred credentials, which are limited to a specific role/account.
      Store Path The AWS Region, or a comma-separated list of multiple regions, the store will operate in.
      Orchestrator Select an approved orchestrator capable of managing AWS-ACM certificates. Specifically, one with the AWS-ACM capability.
      UseEC2AssumeRole A switch to enable the store to assume a new Account ID and Role when using EC2 credentials
      UseOAuth A switch to enable the store to use an OAuth provider workflow to authenticate with AWS ACM
      UseIAM A switch to enable the store to use IAM User auth to assume a role when authenticating with AWS ACM
      EC2AssumeRole The AWS Role to assume using the EC2 instance credentials
      OAuthScope This is the OAuth Scope needed for Okta OAuth, defined in Okta
      OAuthGrantType In OAuth 2.0, the term �grant type� refers to the way an application gets an access token. In Okta this is client_credentials
      OAuthUrl An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls
      IAMAssumeRole The AWS Role to assume as the IAM User.
      OAuthAssumeRole The AWS Role to assume after getting an OAuth token.
      ExternalId An optional parameter sts:ExternalId to pass with Assume Role calls
      ServerUsername The AWS Access Key for an IAM User or Client ID for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      ServerPassword The AWS Access Secret for an IAM User or Client Secret for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      Attributes eligible for retrieval by a PAM Provider on the Universal Orchestrator

      If a PAM provider was installed on the Universal Orchestrator in the Installation section, the following parameters can be configured for retrieval on the Universal Orchestrator.

      Attribute Description
      ServerUsername The AWS Access Key for an IAM User or Client ID for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.
      ServerPassword The AWS Access Secret for an IAM User or Client Secret for OAuth. Depends on Auth method in use.

      Any secret can be rendered by a PAM provider installed on the Keyfactor Command server. The above parameters are specific to attributes that can be fetched by an installed PAM provider running on the Universal Orchestrator server itself.

    3. Import the CSV file to create the certificate stores

      kfutil stores import csv --store-type-name AWS-ACM --file AWS-ACM.csv

The content in this section can be supplimented by the official Command documentation.


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.

Related Integrations

See all Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator extensions.


AWS Certificate Manager is a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy public and private Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and establish the identity of websites over…








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