Releases: KazWolfe/XIVDeck
XIVDeck 0.3.22
I would normally put my usual changelog quip here, but I've burned all of that energy on writing Dalamud status updates. So, uh, enjoy Patch 7.1 compatibility I guess!
- No feature changes or fixes this patch, sorry.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.22.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download dev.wolf.xivdeck.streamDeckPlugin
and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.21...v0.3.22
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.21
Yo dawg, I heard you like features, so I removed some features from your features. Wait... that's not right. What?
Unfortunately, it is in fact time to say goodbye to a few things. Specifically:
- The "Use Penumbra IPC" checkbox has been removed and the feature has been turned on for everyone. This simplifies icon handling and paves the way for some new performance improvements in the future.
- The secret setting
was removed, meaning XIVDeck will only accept connections from the local computer. This was necessary for security purposes, and was never properly exposed to end users.- If you somehow were using this secret config setting, I recommend you instead set up an SSH tunnel to securely forward your XIVDeck port to a different computer.
To keep everyone from getting too mad, a few improvements were made:
- API consumers now can read current gearset information by requesting Gearset ID 0 (or any negative number).
- Performance improvements to Gearset and Macro update watchers.
- Some minor tweaks to how game input is handled to resolve things faster
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.21.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download dev.wolf.xivdeck.streamDeckPlugin
and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.20...v0.3.21
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.20
The attempt to make XIVDeck better continues, eventually.
- Adds a new API endpoint for listing registered macros
- Fix some bad API assumptions for the Stream Deck SDK
- Remove zh and ko translations, as they were empty and caused some odd bugs.
- Some minor performance tweaks
A huge thank you to @SilentSwordmaiden for releasing their StreamController Plugin for Linux users! Welcome to the fold, everyone :).
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.20.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download dev.wolf.xivdeck.streamDeckPlugin
and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.19...v0.3.20
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.19
"Changing legend into fact, We shall ride into history." With apologies to Elton John, of course.
A very small change this time, just support for Patch 7.0 and the ability to put Facial Accessories on your Stream Deck now. Nothing fancy, I promise.
I'm also pleased to announce that XIVDeck now supports GitHub Attestations. While this project used to print its build hash to the CI pipeline so that users could verify that builds came directly from my source, the GitHub CLI can now be used for the same. Please note that attestations may not necessarily work for the in-game plugin however, as those are built using a different process in a different repository.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.19.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download dev.wolf.xivdeck.streamDeckPlugin
and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.17...v0.3.19
CI Run:
XIVDeck Release 0.3.17
Features don't really matter, right? Right?
- Use the shiny new notification system to inform users that it's time to update the Stream Deck Plugin.
- Finally update to .NET 8
- Update some internal dependencies
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.17.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.16...v0.3.17
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.16
With the light of a new adventure growing on the horizon, it's worth taking a look back at the path we walked to get to what we once thought was the end. Let us set the stage for the next journey, bravely venturing forth into API version 9.
- Update the plugin to support FFXIV Patch 6.5 and Dalamud version 9.
- Switch around some action execution logic to be more reliable, especially for non-EN clients.
- Fix a bug with HQ icons not loading properly in some cases.
- Add some help text for the Classes button explaining how it works.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Testing Notes
Because this is a major patch, we have some testing notes for you:
- Please ensure that everything still works.
- Please pay special attention to Minion and Fashion Accessory buttons!
- Macros using an
specifying an HQ item should display their icons properly. - Hot Bar buttons still work as one would expect them to.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.16.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.15...v0.3.16
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.15
Is the space within a box in a box also part of the space of the bigger box? It can't be, because the space inside the box inside the box cannot be used to store things inside the first box. But it is still volume that can be used, so perhaps it is? This multi-box thing hurts my head.
- XIVDeck will now respect users who ask to not be alerted on multiboxing, thank you very much. The plugin will still not work with multiple clients, sorry.
For those of you not on the testing track, this version has some other benefits:
- XIVDeck now targets Stream Deck SDK 6.1, bringing some minor code improvements
- A number of performance optimizations hide beneath the surface, leading XIVDeck to waste less of each frame, every frame.
- Other small fixes.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin. If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.15.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Stable Release: v0.3.13...v0.3.15
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.14...v0.3.15
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.14
For a release that should be dedicated to pi, XIVDeck has decided to lose some weight and become quite a bit leaner. Kinda need to do that if you want to start running on phones...
- XIVDeck now properly supports Stream Deck SDK version 6.1, which brings some minor code improvements.
- A bunch of performance improvements to keep XIVDeck feeling snappy.
- A minor optimization to hotbar monitoring means XIVDeck wastes less of each frame, every frame.
- Removed an unnecessary cache that just made on-login and other events take slightly longer.
- Update volume management to listen for events instead of checking every frame for volume changes.
- Update the German and French translations (thank you Alice and Khayle!).
- Adds some useful logging messages on plugin startup to help diagnose certain issues.
- Other miscellaneous fixes.
For those of you who are interested in XIVDeck (or otherwise bringing your hotbars out of the game), but don't want to buy a Stream Deck, I have some cool news. Elgato released a new version of Stream Deck Mobile for iOS, which now gives you six virtual buttons free, forever. Android is allegedly going to get this update soon. Possibly. I promise I was not paid to make this statement.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin.
Testing Notes
Once again, the testing notes section makes a proud return! A few minor requests here:
- For those who use UI mods to replace icons, there's been some slight tweaks to how icons are retrieved. Please ensure your icons are loading properly!
- The hotbar system will now intelligently ignore empty hotbar slots. Please make sure XIVDeck actually recognizes a hotbar slot becoming empty, as well as a hotbar slot getting populated. As always, hotbar slots that aren't on screen but are still on the Deck should update accordingly.
- The volume system had a bit of a rewrite, and comes with two things to test:
- Pushing the dial on a Stream Deck + should toggle mute state on the selected channel, and should not quickly mute/unmute or do nothing.
- The volume system should still be relatively responsive and quickly update to volume changes, whether they're in-game or external.
- Volume changes at low frame rates might lag a bit, but shouldn't jump around erratically.
If you notice any issues, please come find me in the XIVDeck Help Thread in the Dalamud Discord!
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.14.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.13...v0.3.14
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.13
It is said that long ago, a force rose up to shake the lands of Dalamud. We spoke in hushed tones, afraid to wake the beast, for it brought an upheaval once and threatened to do so again. This beast? Patch 6.4.
- Adds support for Patch 6.4 and some changes it brought.
- Add gearset IDs back to the Gearset Action.
- Add a nag message when multiboxing is detected.
For those of you who aren't on testing, there are a few other changes:
- Set the Stream Deck software to connect to
instead oflocalhost
to hopefully make connections a bit more resilient. - Swap back (again!!!) to the EmbedIO HTTP listener to try to fix some arcane networking issues.
- Hopefully more resilient Linux support.
If XIVDeck doesn't work for you after this release for some reason, please check the release page for troubleshooting steps and ping me in the XIVDeck thread.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin.
Technical Notes
This version switches the HTTP server back to EmbedIO, which should be mostly transparent to users. That said, some users may have been shoved on to the Microsoft HTTP server for various reasons. If you have any problems with XIVDeck, please follow the below instructions:
- Open the plugin installer with
. - Find XIVDeck, and click the gear to open the Settings pane. Make note of all your settings.
- Back in the Plugin Installer, right-click XIVDeck's entry and choose Reset plugin configuration and reload.
- Click the gear on XIVDeck again and re-configure your settings.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.13.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Release: v0.3.12...v0.3.13
Full Changelog from Last Stable Release: v0.3.11...v0.3.13
CI Run:
XIVDeck 0.3.12
A long time ago, I decided to start what I thought was a simple project to learn both C# and how to mod games. This project was called XIVDeck. As a result of my inexperience writing code, I made a few very fatal decisions, such as putting a web server in the game to provide an API. These decisions haunt me to this very day.
- Switch the default web server back to EmbedIO.
- Force all API communication to happen over IPv4 to get around a frustrating bug.
- Hopefully fix some macOS and Linux compatibility issues.
- NOTE: macOS users will now be able to install the Stream Deck plugin, but it likely will not work at this time. I am not offering support for macOS or Linux users yet.
- Some other internal nonsense.
If XIVDeck doesn't work for you after this release for some reason, please check the release page for troubleshooting steps and ping me in the XIVDeck thread.
If you like this plugin, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. It's much appreciated, I promise! Also, if you speak one of German, French, or Japanese, please consider contributing translations to XIVDeck via Crowdin.
Testing Notes
This version switches the HTTP server back to EmbedIO, which should be mostly transparent to users. That said, some users may have been shoved on to the Microsoft HTTP server for various reasons. If you have any problems with XIVDeck (or just want to be sure you're testing EmbedIO), please follow the below instructions:
- Open the plugin installer with
. - Find XIVDeck, and click the gear to open the Settings pane. Make note of all your settings.
- Back in the Plugin Installer, right-click XIVDeck's entry and choose Reset plugin configuration and reload.
- Click the gear on XIVDeck again and re-configure your settings.
Installing the Plugin
Both the Stream Deck Plugin and the Game Plugin have been updated to version 0.3.12.
To install the Stream Deck Plugin, simply download the XIVDeck.streamDeckPlugin
file and open it. The Elgato Stream Deck software will take care of the rest.
Full Changelog from Last Stable Release: v0.3.11...v0.3.12
CI Run: