Using ESP32 to control IR Devices with Google assistant integration
What You need
- ESP32 Development Board
- Arduino IDE
- IRremoteESP8266 Lib
- SinricPro Lib
- TL1838 Infrared Receiver
- Diymore PCB0100 Infrared Transmitter or another 3.3v compatible Infrared Transmitter
- Cables!!!!
- Breadboard for testing!!!!
- ESP32 Terminal Adapter for testing!!!!
How to get IR Codes:
Using a TL1838 Infrared Receiver you can get the IR codes from your remotes on Pin 14
ESP32 Code under Testing\IR_ReceiverTest\IR_ReceiverTest.ino
Once the code is uploaded to your ESP32 you can use Serial Monitor in Arduino IDE to check the output
You can change the pin if you want in the code. not all pins work so best to look it up.
** Example Codes **
Samsung DVD Player Codes
LG TV Codes
How to send IR Codes:
I used a Diymore PCB0100 Infrared Transmitter because it's easy but you could use a regular ir transmitter led with a resistor
ESP32 Code under Testing\IR_TransmitterTest\IR_TransmitterTest.ino
edit the defined code and test it out.
How to turn it smart:
We will be using because it's easy and offer 3 devices free
- Add a device and name it whatever. I called mine TV
- Grab your Device ID from Devices Tab
- Go to credential tabs and get your App Key and App Secret
- Edit the script with wifi, IDs, and Keys
- Add SinricPro to Google Home
- Bam Done!