Fkn idk tbh
- Bun
- Turborepo
- Nextjs
- Elysia
- Prizzma
- Better Auth
- Tanstack Query
- TailwindCSS
- Shadcn/ui
- Neon Postgres
- LiveKit
- Server member profile popover thing
- Message replies
- Pinned messages
- User activity status
- Mention users
- User settings
- Edit their displayName, name and image
- Create a server
- Invite users to server
- Create text, voice and video channels
- Server roles
- Admins can edit the server settings (name and profile)
- Admins and moderators can kick, ban and unban members
- Admins and moderators can edit a channel's settings (name and type)
- Admins and moerators can delete a channel
- Admins can delete server
- Admin can promote user to moderator
- Admin can demote moderator
- Server member can edit their server profile
- Leave server
- Search server's channels and members
- Create a message
- Upload an image, gif and PDF (PDF file viewing is currently broken)
- Send a text message
- Delete a message
- Edit a message
- React to a message
- User can remove their reaction to a message
- Admins and moderators can delete a message
- Indicator if there is a new message in the server when focused on another server
- View all friends
- Search all friends
- Search all incoming friend requests
- Search all sent friend requests
- Send a friend request to another user
- User can cancel their sent friend requests
- User can ignore incoming friend requests
- User can accept incoming friend requests
- User can search users they have messaged
- User can direct message another user
- User can delete their direct message
- User can edit their direct message
- User can react to another user's direct message