- IP Address with malicious activities reported: 2075478 (100%)
- IP Address categorized as 'Critical': 230 (0.0110817845335%)
- IP Address categorized as 'Very High': 2312 (0.111396025398%)
- IP Address categorized as 'High': 206433 (9.94628707218)
- Total de direcciones IP indexadas en Neanet: 208975 (10.0687648821%)
- Total de direcciones IP descartadas en Neanet: 1866503 (89.9312351179%)
Last Update | Critical | Very High | High | Paranoia |
2024-10-09 16:02:42 | 230 | 2312 | 206433 | 208975 mixed list (Critical + Very High + High) |
For the historical stats go to: link
- 😱 Critical
- 😨 VeryHigh
- 😦 High
- 😵 Mixed-Paranoia
Your IP is indexed? You may request to takedown. https://github.com/JavaGarcia/Neanet/issues