This is a git backup of most of my files in ~/.config
. Among them you can find:
- i3
- hyprland (work in progress)
- Polybar
- fastfetch
- kitty
- picom
- rofi
- PCmanFM config
- Some gtk configs
Execute the following commands to backup your current configuration and install this repository.
mv ~/.config ~/.config.backup
git clone ~/.config
When using i3, you will then need to manually change the set $HOME /home/jasongrace2282
to set $HOME /home/<your username>
. If you are unsure of your username, try
running whoami
in a terminal.
To use the neovim configuration you must also run this command:
touch ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/projects.lua && echo "return {}" > ~/.config/nvim/lua/config/projects.lua