This is the local registry containing work-in-progress versions of packages developed within the ITensors.jl ecosystem. It is mainly meant to promote fast development and iteration, and its stability should be considered accordingly.
In order to start using this registry, you can simply add it to your Julia package manager once. After this, the package manager will automatically attempt to resolve names of packages, as long as there are no name clashes.
using Pkg: Pkg
Pkg.Registry.add(url="[email protected]:ITensor/ITensorRegistry.git")
if you want to use SSH credentials, which can make it so you don't have to enter your Github ursername and password when registering packages.
In order to register a new package, or a new version, you can simply follow the instructions in the LocalRegistry.jl docs. We will give a brief summary below:
First, you should add LocalRegistry.jl
in your global environment.
Then, for a new package, register the package pkgname
in the Github organization ghuser
(ghuser = "ITensor"
if the package is hosted in the ITensor organization) by changing to the directory of the package and registering with the URL of the package repository:
using LocalRegistry: LocalRegistry
cd(expanduser("~/.julia/dev/$pkgname")) do
return LocalRegistry.register(; repo="$ghuser/$pkgname.jl.git")
This assumes you only have a single additional registry which is not General
, otherwise you also have to specify the registry (see the LocalRegistry.jl docs).
For registering a new version, you can simply change to the directory of the package and call LocalRegistry.register()
(the repository URL doesn't need to be specified since it is determined from the registry):
using LocalRegistry: LocalRegistry
cd(expanduser("~/.julia/dev/$pkgname")) do
return LocalRegistry.register()
The following functions may be useful:
function register_pkg(pkgname; new, ghuser="ITensor")
return cd(expanduser("~/.julia/dev/$pkgname")) do
if new
return LocalRegistry.register(; repo="$ghuser/$pkgname.jl.git")
return LocalRegistry.register()
which you can use like register_pkg("PkgName"; new=true)
or register_pkg("PkgName"; new=false)
Otherwise, you may have to specify the specific registry, for which you can follow the instructions here.