The official implementation of "Concave-Hull Induced Graph-Gain for Fast and Robust Robotic Exploration" by Zezhou Sun, Banghe Wu, Chengzhong Xu, and Hui Kong, accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter (RA-L), 2013

03/02/2023, The paper was submitted for presentation on RAL 2023.
07/01/2023, The code was released.
07/05/2023, The paper was accepted for publishing at IEEE RA-L.
Follow the dependence of the following work:
Launch the following nodes in sequence:
- Start Lidar and robot control drive
- roslaunch vehicle_simulator system_real_robot.launch
- roslaunch lidar_atlas run.launch
- rosrun chunkmap_terrain chunkmap_terrain_node
- roslaunch dsv_launch dsvp.launch