Lucas | Mo | Michael
Day 1 : standing meeting. talked about how we where going to talk this. started to configure everything we need to work on it. making repo, adding contributor. making a file structure(MVC) etc.
day 2 : added .env file to get acces to data base. connected to the database executed some tests. made dropdowns with all the customers and products in the home View.
day 3 : started to add the logic.
To calculate the price:
- For the customer group: In case of variable discounts look for highest discount of all the groups the user has. retrieving all the related groups:
//retrieving all the related groups:
public function retrieveAllRelatedGroups($group_id){
$allRelatedGroups = [];
$newId = $group_id;
$group = $this->retrieveGroup($newId);
array_push($allRelatedGroups, $group);
$newId = $group['parent_id'];
return $allRelatedGroups;
- If some groups have fixed discounts, count them all up.
public function getAllFixedDiscounts(){
$totalFixed = 0;
foreach($this->user->getRelatedGroups() as $item ){
$totalFixed += $item['fixed_discount'];
return $totalFixed;
- Look which discount (fixed or variable) will give the customer the most value.
public function getCompareFixedWithVariableCustomerGroupDiscounts()
$fixedResult = $this->getAllFixedDiscounts();
$variableResult = $this->getHighestVariableDiscounts();
$getProductPrice = $this->product->getProductPrice();
if($fixedResult/$getProductPrice > $variableResult/$getProductPrice){
return max($fixedResult, $variableResult);
- Now look at the discount of the customer.
public function getHighestFixedDiscountCustomer()
$compareFixedDiscount = $this->getAllFixedDiscounts();
if ($this->user->getFixedDiscount() > $compareFixedDiscount) {
return $this->user->getFixedDiscount();
} else {
return $compareFixedDiscount;
- In case both customer and customer group have a percentage, take the largest percentage.
public function findBetterDiscount() { $productPrice = ($this->product->getProductPrice() / 100); $highestDiscountVariable = $this->getHighestVariableDiscounts(); $discountableFixed = $this->getAllFixedDiscounts(); if($highestDiscountVariable < $this->user->getVariableDiscount()) { $highestDiscountVariable = $this->user->getVariableDiscount(); } $calculatedpriceFixed = $productPrice - $discountableFixed; $gettingVariablePercentage = ($productPrice * $highestDiscountVariable) /100; $calculatedPriceVariable = $productPrice - $gettingVariablePercentage; //$priceWithBestDiscount = $productPrice - $discountableFixed; if($calculatedPriceVariable > $calculatedpriceFixed){ return $calculatedpriceFixed; }else { return $gettingVariablePercentage; } }
- First subtract fixed amounts, then percentages! A price can never be negative.
public function finalCalculation()
$finalPrice = 0;
$productPrice = ($this->product->getProductPrice() / 100);
if ($this->user->getFixedDiscount()) {
$firstFixed = $productPrice - $this->user->getFixedDiscount();
$finalPrice = $firstFixed - $this->findBetterDiscount();
$finalPrice = round($finalPrice);
}else {
$finalVariableGroupsDiscount = round($this->findBetterDiscount());
$finalPrice = round($productPrice - $this->findBetterDiscount());
if($finalPrice < 0) {
$finalPrice = 0;
return $finalPrice * $this->quantity->getQuantity();
- show details in the view
public function getBaseInfo(){
$customerName = $this->user->getFullName();
$productName = $this->product->getName();
$baseProductPrice = $this->product->getProductPrice() / 100;
$quantity = $this->quantity->getQuantity();
$customerFixed = $this->user->getFixedDiscount();
$customerVariable = $this->user->getVariableDiscount();
$totalGroupFixed = $this->getAllFixedDiscounts();
$highestGroupVariable = $this->getHighestVariableDiscounts();
$baseInfo = ["baseProductPrice" => $baseProductPrice, "quantity" => $quantity, "customerFixed" => $customerFixed, "customerVariable" => $customerVariable, "totalGroupFixed" => $totalGroupFixed, "highestGroupVariable" => $highestGroupVariable, "customerName" => $customerName, "productName" => $productName];
foreach($baseInfo as $key => $info){
$baseInfo[$key] = "N/A";
return $baseInfo;
- adding quantity