Program that translates binary code to decimal and vice-versa.
- Added the user interactive form;
- Added a variable type verification system; (Verifies if the variable matches the type wanted, to avoid unwanted infinite looping)
- Added the Binary to Decimal translation system;
- Added the Decimal to Binary translation system.
- Fixed a bug with the variable outputs;
- Created an executable file named Binary-Translator.exe.
- Fixed a bug with missing outputs.
- Go to 'C/Binary Translator/Binary-Translator.exe';
- Click the download icon in the top-right corner of the screen;
- Choose a folder for the file to the stored;
- Double click the file in the folder.
- Go to 'C/Binary Translator/Binary-Translator.cpp';
- Click the download icon in the top-right corner of the screen;
- Choose a folder for the file to the stored;
- Open the folder in your desired code editor.