Website for Groovy Users of Minnesota. http://groovy.mn
This site is built with Grails and deployed on AppFog.
Something missing from the site you think everyone needs to see? No problem, just open a pull request.
IntelliJ project code formatting conventions located in /etc/idea/codeFormatSettings.jar then File -> Import Settings.
> af login --email [email protected]
> grails war groovy-mn.war
> af update groovy-mn
-- occasionally?
> af restart groovy-mn
Join us on meetup.
- Ryan Applegate - @rappleg
- Jeff Beck - @beckje01
- Brad Marsh - @bbqhacker
- Josh Reed - @joshareed
- Doug Sabers - @lightsabersd
- Aaron Zirbes - @aaronzirbes
- Bobby Warner - @bobbywarner
- Eric Kinsella - @staticnull