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cd /path/you/like
git clone
cd linux-toolbox
sudo bash ./

Will load in new interactive BASH session.


rm -f /etc/profile.d/
rm -f /etc/profile.d/
rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/89-linux-toolbox.conf
rm -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/89-linux-toolbox.conf
rm -rf /path/to/cloned/repo


  • alias:
    • systemctl & journalctl & networkctl | service with sudo
    • dnf | yum | apt with sudo
    • suvi: sudo vim
    • vi: vim
    • gitsub: git submodule foreach git
    • ls, l., ll, la: some list helper
  • environment variables:
    • $SSH_CLIENT_IP if ssh
    • $DISPLAY if ssh (=$SSH_CLIENT_IP:0)
  • commands:
    • auto_ssh: unsafe set password in ssh commandline
    • center: echo align center
    • cleanup-shell: kill all child process of current bash
    • command_exists: test if a command is exists or not
    • cru: modify crontab
    • efi-install-grub2: (re-)install grub2
    • efi-update-grup2: update grub2 menu config
    • file-colors: explain current $LS_COLORS
    • flush-kernal-cache: write kernel file cache into disk
    • gits: control all git repos in current directory (but not recursive)
    • hostsfile: display or modify /etc/hosts
    • ip-ban: (un-)ban ip with iptables
    • is-root: return 0 if uid==0
    • is-ssh: return 0 if from ssh
    • lnall: create symlink of all files in a folder
    • lscolor: print shell 256 color table
    • lscolor8: print shell ansi color table
    • lsrpm: list all installed rpms
    • remove-eta: remove eta(英国中部时间) from yum on centos
    • reperm: recursive chmod all files in current folder, folder set to 0755, file set to 0644 (or 0755 by -x)
    • scsi-rescan: trigger rescan SATA devices
    • ssh-client-ip: print ssh client ip, empty if not from ssh
    • sysinstall: call system package manager with install -y $@
    • utf8: return 0 if $LANG shows the terminal support display utf8
    • wget-cookie: wget with save cookie option
    • who-am-i: show terminal device of this shell
  • application related commands: (no such command if relate app did not installed)
    • dnf:
      • dnf i: dnf install -y ...
      • dnf s: dnf list arg1* arg2* ...
      • dnf p: dnf provides */bin/xxx /usr/lib64/
    • docker
      • dpss: short docker ps
      • dps: shortest docker ps
      • dmg: short docker image
    • journalctl:
      • logcat: show newest 9000 log lines of services
      • logtail: realtime follow log output of services
    • node.js:
      • update-nodejs: update latest (not LTS) nodejs into /usr/nodejs
  • source commands:
    • path-var: display or modify "$PATH"
    • proxy: handle HTTP_PROXY related thing
    • set-prompt: set shell prompt string
    • set-window-title: set terminal window title
    • set-window-title-callback: set a command to generate window title (run before everytime bash print prompt)
    • docker clean: remove stopped containers, delete images without tag


a set of useful commands on fedora linux






