This company provides a dedicated website for web testing, restricted API access for API testing, and a mobile app for mobile testing. Consequently, OpenWeather serves as an excellent illustration to showcase the development of a well-designed testing framework using the Carina Framework.
The objective is to showcase the outcomes and deliverables within a simulated QA environment that closely mirrors real-world scenarios when creating new features.
For more details, Check out this link -->
- FRS - Done
- Test Plan - In Progress
- Test Cases - Done
- Bug Reports - Done
- Test Suites - Done
- Web Tests - Done
- API Test - Done
- Mobile Test - Done
- Regression and Smoke test - Done
- Encryptor and Decryptor for sensitive information - Done
- Testing Framework integrated to Zebrunner - Done
- Zebrunner test reports, linking test cases, and adding launchers. -Done
- automate Docker setup for parallel testing using Selenium Grid -Done
- Detailed information about this projects in portfolio - in Progress
- Install and configure JDK 11
- Install and configure Apache Maven 3.6.0+
- Download and start the latest Selenium standalone server
- Read Carina documentation
- Make sure you have setup Selenium Grid and the right Chrome webdriver version.
open cmd and clone this repository:
git clone
On the cmd, go to directory where you saved the Selenium Grid and run the following command:
(Note: replace the "version" with your selenium server version):java -jar selenium-server-<version>.jar standalone
On the cmd, go to the /to/path/OpenWeather-Testing-Framework directory and run the following command:
(Note: this will execute the regression web test for OpenWeather)mvn clean test