🚨🚨🚨 STALE 🚨🚨🚨
While this library might still work, I'm no longer maintaining it. Feel free to fork and patch if needed.
: https://repl.it/@Fausto95/jwplayer-sdk
: https://jwplayer-sdk.netlify.com/
yarn add jwplayer-sdk
// ES Modules
import JWPlayer from 'jwplayer-sdk';
const JWAPI = new JWPlayer({
apiKey: 'your apiKey goes here',
secretKey: 'your secreteKey goes here',
const videos = await JWAPI.getAllVideos(params); // params are optional
result: [
views: 0,
height: 400,
cloudHostedPlayer: 'https://content.jwplatform.com/libraries/dfNGJds0.js',
key: 'dfNGJds0',
skin: { type: 'built-in', name: 'Default', key: 'M03UUDt9' },
responsive: false,
playlist: 'none',
releaseChannel: 'production',
name: 'My Player',
custom: {},
width: 400,
version: '8',
ltasChannel: null
// Player
.getAllPlayers(params: Object) // Optional
.getPlayer(playerKey: String) // Required
.createPlayer(params: Object) // Required
.updatePlayer(playerKey: String, params: Object) // Both required
.deletePlayer(playerKey: String) // Required
// Videos
.getAllVideos(params: Object) // Optional
.getVideo(videoKey: String) // Required
.uploadVideo(file: ReadableStream, params: Object) // Params is optional
.fetchUpload(url: String, params: Object) // Url is Required
.batchFetchUpload(content: Object) // Content is Required
.updateVideo(videoKey: String, params: Object) // Both required
.deleteVideo(videoKey: String) // Required
//Videos Thumbnails
.modifyThumbnailFrame(videoKey: String, params: Object) // Both Required
.uploadThumbnail(videoKey: String, imageFile: ReadableStream) // Both Required
You must have a JwPlayer account! Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Fausto95/jw-player-api.git
Install the dependencies
npm install
Make your changes, test and send a PR
- /accounts
- /accounts/tags
- /accounts/usage
- /channels
- /channels/videos
- /players
- /status
- /videos
- /videos/converstations
- /videos/tags
- /videos/thumbnails
- /videos/tracks
- /fetch-upload