JDownloader Event Scripter Scripts
For more scripts and examples check out the JDownloader forum thread for Event Scripts:
-> https://board.jdownloader.org/showthread.php?t=70525
and the new dedicated sub-forum for user created scripts:
-> https://board.jdownloader.org/forumdisplay.php?f=52
Copies selected links in the download list back to the linkgrabber.
Exports a short list of all packages in the download list and saves it in your default download folder (appends if the file already exists).
Unskips downloads that got automatically skipped for different reasons, examples provided for possible reasons.
Simple script to automatically convert specific filetypes to mp3 after downlaoding.
Force trigger the reconnect function in jDownloader if downloads are stalled for 3 minutes.
Script for a toolbar button to check if files in download list already exist and disable/remove them before starting downloads.
Script to reset links on plugin defect messages. Set Interval Trigger.
Pauses running downloads during archive extraction. Only use if you have resumable downloads or you don't care for downloads restarting.
Moves mirror links to a separate package if download started, even when those links are in a different package and/or disabled.
Sorts files in packages descending with special handling for TV shows (part files descending, episodes ascending)
Example script to initiate encrypted communication with the MyJdownloader API.