Lightweight and fast C++ Logging Library
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git clone
mkdir FairLogger_build && cd FairLogger_build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./FairLogger_install ../FairLogger
cmake --build . --target install
FairLogger bundles a version of the fmt library. You can override this with your own fmt installation via the -DUSE_EXTERNAL_FMT=ON
and -DFMT_ROOT=/fmt/location
CMake switches.
In your CMakeLists.txt
If FairLogger is not installed in system directories, you can hint the installation location:
set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /path/to/FairLogger/installation ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH})
will define an imported target FairLogger::FairLogger
If FairLogger is built with -DUSE_BOOST_PRETTY_FUNCTION=ON
, your project needs to find the external dependencies, too, e.g.
find_package(${dep} ${FairLogger_${dep}_VERSION})
On command line:
disables coloured console output.-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
disables building of unit tests.-DUSE_BOOST_PRETTY_FUNCTION=ON
uses external fmt instead of the bundled one.
All log calls go through the provided LOG(severity) macro. Output through this macro is thread-safe. Logging is done to cout, file output and/or custom sinks.
A number of additional logging macros are provided:
LOGV(severity, verbosity)
Log the line with the provided verbosity, e.g.LOG(info, veryhigh) << "abcd";
LOGF(severity, ...)
The arguments are given tofmt::printf
, which formats the string using a printf syntax and the result is logged, e.g.LOGF(info, "Hello %s!", "world");
LOGP(severity, ...)
The arguments are given tofmt::format
, which formats the string using a Python-like syntax and the result is logged, e.g.LOGP(info, "Hello {}!", "world");
Logs an empty line, e.g.LOGN(info);
LOG_IF(severity, condition)
Logs the line if the provided condition if trueLOGD(severity, file, line, f)
Logs the line with the provided file, line and function parameters (only if the active verbosity allows it).
The log severity is controlled via:
fair::Logger::SetConsoleSeverity("<severity level>");
// and/or
fair::Logger::SetFileSeverity("<severity level>");
// and/or
fair::Logger::SetCustomSeverity("<customSinkName>", "<severity level>");
where severity level is one of the following:
Logger will log the chosen severity and all above it (except "nolog", which deactivates logging for that sink completely). Fatal severity is always logged.
The minimum severity level can be configured at compile time via definition of FAIR_MIN_SEVERITY
cmake -DFAIR_MIN_SEVERITY=warn ..
The above would only log severities equal to or above warn
is not provided all severities are enabled.
The log verbosity is controlled via:
fair::Logger::SetVerbosity("<verbosity level>");
it is same for all sinks, and is one of the following values: verylow
, low
, medium
, high
, veryhigh
, user1
, user2
, user3
, user4
, which translates to following output:
verylow: message
low: [severity] message
medium: [HH:MM:SS][severity] message
high: [process_name][HH:MM:SS][severity] message
veryhigh: [process_name][HH:MM:SS:µS][severity][file:line:function] message
user1: [severity] message
user2: [severity] message
user3: [severity] message
user4: [severity] message
When running a FairMQ device, the log severity can be simply provided via --verbosity <level>
cmd option.
The user may customize the existing verbosities or any of user1
, user2
, user3
, user4
verbosities via:
void fair::Logger::DefineVerbosity(fair::Verbosity, fair::VerbositySpec);
void fair::Logger::DefineVerbosity("<verbosity level>", fair::VerbositySpec);
The fair::Logger::VerbositySpec
object can e.g. be created like this:
auto spec = fair::VerbositySpec::Make(VerbositySpec::Info::timestamp_s,
// results in [HH:MM:SS][process_name] message
Argument | Result |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::process_name |
[process_name] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::timestamp_s |
[HH:MM:SS] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::timestamp_us |
[HH:MM:SS:µS] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::severity |
[severity] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::file |
[file] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::file_line |
[file:line] |
fair::VerbositySpec::Info::file_line_function |
[file:line:function] |
By default, the veryhigh
verbosity prints the function name from which the LOG
macro was invoked. If you desire a more verbose function signature including the full namespace, return value and function arguments, you can enable support for BOOST_PRETTY_FUNCTION
- globally by compiling FairLogger with the CMake option
, or - per translation unit by defining
before including the FairLogger header, e.g.
#include <Logger.h>
In the latter case, the user needs to take care of adding the boost include path to the compiler search path manually (e.g. -I/path/to/boost/include
Colored output on console can be activated with:
When running a FairMQ device, the log color (console) can be simply provided via --color <true/false>
cmd option (default is true).
Output to file can be enabled via:
Logger::InitFileSink("<severity level>", "test_log", true);
which will add output to "test_log" filename (if third parameter is true
it will add timestamp to the file name) with <severity level>
When running a FairMQ device, the log file can be simply provided via --log-to-file <filename_prefix>
cmd option (this will also turn off console output).
Custom sinks can be added via Logger::AddCustomSink("sink name", "<severity>", callback)
Here is an example adding a custom sink for all severities ("trace" and above). It has access to the log content and meta data. Custom log calls are also thread-safe.
Logger::AddCustomSink("MyCustomSink", "trace", [](const string& content, const LogMetaData& metadata)
cout << "content: " << content << endl;
cout << "available metadata: " << endl;
cout << "std::time_t timestamp: " << metadata.timestamp << endl;
cout << "std::chrono::microseconds us: " << << endl;
cout << "std::string process_name: " << metadata.process_name << endl;
cout << "std::string file: " << metadata.file << endl;
cout << "std::string line: " << metadata.line << endl;
cout << "std::string func: " << metadata.func << endl;
cout << "std::string severity_name: " << metadata.severity_name << endl;
cout << "fair::Severity severity: " << static_cast<int>(metadata.severity) << endl;
If only output from custom sinks is desirable, console/file sinks must be deactivated by setting their severity to "nolog"
By default, <fairlogger/Logger.h>
defines unprefixed macros: LOG
Define an option FAIR_NO_LOG*
to prevent the above unprefixed macros to be defined, e.g.
#define FAIR_NO_LOG
#define FAIR_NO_LOGF
#include <fairlogger/Logger.h>
GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) version 3, see LICENSE.
Copyright (C) 2017-2021 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH