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Releases: Esri/angular-esri-map


19 Jul 18:53
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v4.4. Docs site uses JSAPI v4.4 and Angular v1.6.5.


19 Jul 18:42
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v3.21compact. Docs site uses JSAPI v3.21compact and Angular v1.6.5.


09 Mar 05:47
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v4.3. Docs site uses JSAPI v4.3.


08 Mar 22:03
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v3.20compact. Docs site uses JSAPI v3.20compact.


29 Jan 19:53
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v4.2. Docs site uses JSAPI v4.2. #317

Added support for Angular v1.6.0 and greater due to Angular's breaking changes with pre-assigning bindings on controller instances. #314


Various npm package.json dev dependency versions were updated to support gulp test.

Updated e2e test pages to use Angular v1.6.1. Docs site uses Angular v1.6.1. #314 #319


29 Jan 19:26
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v3.19compact. Docs site uses JSAPI v3.19compact. #316

Added support for Angular v1.6.0 and greater due to Angular's breaking changes with pre-assigning bindings on controller instances. #314

EsriMapController map extent-change listener uses $scope.applyAsync instead of $scope.apply. #313


Various npm package.json dev dependency versions were updated to support gulp test.

Updated e2e test pages to use Angular v1.6.1. Docs site uses Angular v1.6.1. #314 #318


20 Oct 18:50
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v4.1. Docs site uses JSAPI v4.1. #305


Added new patterns page, test page, and e2e functional test for developing custom Angular factories that can load and manage the state of Esri modules. #287

Documentation site examples, patterns, and API pages were updated to have more links back to Esri docs and more consistency among module naming conventions. #290

README and documentation site home page were updated with information about integrating Esri with Angular 2. #285

Fixed PopupTemplate <ul> formatting in docs sample page since the official Esri JSAPI sample was also fixed at JSAPI v4.1. #299


20 Oct 18:24
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v3.18compact. Docs site uses JSAPI v3.18compact. #304

Modified esriMap webmap-id param to be on isolate scope rather than attrs, so that it can also be a value from a controller's scope. This also includes a new test page to demonstrate this change. #297 @stephguignard


Added new patterns page, test page, and e2e functional test for developing custom Angular factories that can load and manage the state of Esri modules. #287

README and documentation site home page were updated with information about integrating Esri with Angular 2. #285


24 Jun 01:23
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esriLoader defaults to loading JSAPI v3.17. Docs site and readme quick start example also uses JSAPI 3.17. #283

Updated docs site and readme quick start to use Angular v1.5.5. #283


13 May 11:58
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Unminified dist files adhere to strict dependecy injection (DI). Note that minified dist files already had strict DI. #269

Angular dependencies (^1.3.0) declared for package.json (npm install) and bower.json (bower install). #275

Source code, test pages, unit tests, and e2e tests were updated for the Esri JSAPI 4.0 release. The <esri-home-button> directive was given a new bound property (view-ui-position) to be able to specify its position in a MapView or SceneView. #282


Documentation site examples and patterns pages were updated for the Esri JSAPI 4.0 release. #282

Updated documentation site and README quick start to use Angular v1.5.5. #282

Added popups example page to documentation site. #211

Removed ng-router autoscroll from examples since it is not needed as a temp workaround with Esri JSAPI 4.0 release. #235

Added README links to Dev Summit 2016 presentation slides.