The pypogo
The goal is a Python module to run Pokemon Go calculations and simulations.
This module interfaces with
to obtain data like
pokemon stats and stuff. It can currently do CP calculations, and check the
rank of IVs based on the stats product of the mons at various levels.
I'm currently working on a battle simulator, and I plan to train agents to play PVP using neural networks and reinforcement learning. But it will be a while before that's done.
In the meantime, there are still useful things you can do with this package.
The main way to interface is using the Pokemon
You can find IVs and levels to maximize CP under constraints:
>>> from pypogo.pokemon import Pokemon
>>> base = Pokemon('eevee')
>>> print('base = {}'.format(base))
>>> #
>>> max_cp = 1500
>>> #
>>> for mon in
>>> mon.maximize(max_cp, ivs='maximize', max_level=51)
>>> print('mon = {}'.format(mon))
base = <Pokemon(eevee, None, None, None, None)>
mon = <Pokemon(leafeon, 1497, 19.0, [1, 15, 14], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(espeon, 1498, 17.5, [0, 15, 15], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(umbreon, 1497, 27.5, [0, 15, 14], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(flareon, 1500, 18.5, [0, 15, 13], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(glaceon, 1500, 18.0, [0, 15, 12], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(jolteon, 1500, 19.5, [0, 12, 15], None)>
mon = <Pokemon(vaporeon, 1500, 18.0, [1, 15, 15], None)>
You can do purification and evolution operations.
>>> from pypogo.pokemon import Pokemon
>>> self = Pokemon('ralts', ivs=[6, 13, 15], level=20,
>>> shadow=True, shiny=True)
>>> new = self.purify()
>>> print('self = {}'.format(self))
>>> print('new = {}'.format(new))
>>> evos = new.evolved()[0].evolved()
>>> print(evos[0])
>>> print(evos[1])
self = <Pokemon(ralts(😈,✨), 274, 20, [6, 13, 15], None)>
new = <Pokemon(ralts(👼,✨), 285, 20, (8, 15, 15), None)>
<Pokemon(gallade(👼,✨), 1718, 20, (8, 15, 15), None)>
<Pokemon(gardevoir(👼,✨), 1718, 20, (8, 15, 15), None)>
You can do build a table of league rankings for different IV combinations
>>> from pypogo.pokemon import Pokemon
>>> self = Pokemon('beedrill')
>>> beedrill_df = self.league_ranking_table(max_cp=1500)
>>> print(beedrill_df)
iva ivd ivs cp level attack defense stamina stat_product_k rank percent
1 0 13 14 1499 32.5 126.206025 106.789714 132 1779.030702 1 100.000000
2 0 14 13 1500 32.5 126.206025 107.536495 131 1777.899723 2 99.316671
3 0 14 15 1496 32.0 125.700414 107.105679 132 1777.146120 3 98.861349
4 0 15 14 1497 32.0 125.700414 107.849468 131 1775.930690 4 98.126996
5 1 13 15 1500 32.0 126.444204 106.361889 132 1775.247460 5 97.714193
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4092 14 2 1 1489 32.0 136.113467 98.180205 121 1617.001419 4092 2.103120
4093 15 0 2 1490 32.0 136.857256 96.692626 122 1614.436679 4093 0.553523
4094 15 0 0 1493 32.5 137.407744 97.081558 121 1614.110696 4094 0.356567
4095 15 1 3 1488 31.5 136.304546 97.042911 122 1613.741564 4095 0.133540
4096 15 1 1 1492 32.0 136.857256 97.436416 121 1613.520542 4096 0.000000
[4096 rows x 11 columns]
This module is being developed mainly for fun and personal use. Features as added as I need them to answer questions mostly to do with my own personal min-maxing. Feel free to fork, contribute, or use as you'd like.
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