Enigma Core for Unity - is a useful set of tools and extensions to speedup development of core Unity applications. This code is shared between all my projects and it is in active update and improvement.
It's being used in my main current game project "Resultarias", a surrealist game about dream exploration. Check more information about my other projects on my website!
- Host the latest version of the EnigmaCore.
- Track issues.
[Recommended] Install from UPM using the git URL
Import this as a submodule inside
folder OR download this and put insideAssets/EnigmaCore/
- [Recommended] Unity Converters for Newtonsoft.Json to fix some Unity Json Serialization issues.
- If not already in Unity: Newtonsoft-Json, include NEWTONSOFT_JSON_FOR_UNITY on define symbols.
- FMOD (for advanced audio processing), include FMOD on define symbols.
- Fell free to open a pull request for fixes or new versions.
- I'm an Unity games and application developer. You can find more info about me and my projects here.
- Jetbrains who powered the development until 2024.