Welcome to Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom (ViFE)
For best practices see labels.
For best practices see labels.
The Cartographer App is used to provide placement information of zones of interest in (historical) documents.
Edirom-Online Frontend is the frontend for the Edirom-Online software. It is a web application written in JavaScript.
Edirom-Online Backend is the backend for the Edirom-Online software. It is a web application written in XQuery.
The MEI Garage is a "workshop" for symbolic music encoding data. It is sharing a code base with the TEI's OxGarage and offers a convenient interface to common tasks for music encoding data, both through Web and REST interfaces. It offers conversion between different formats and customization of the MEI Schema.
Edirom Online is a tool for presenting historical-critical music editions in digital form.