A proof-of-concept project aimed at prototyping embedded applications on a host.
You will need a NUCLEO-F042K6 board to run the examples for it.
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Disasm/avatar-rs
cd avatar-rs
Connect your NUCLEO-F042K6 with a USB cable.
Run the blinky
cd examples-nucleo-f042k6
cargo run --example blinky
See also serial_hello
and i2c_bme280
Peripheral access crates don't require any changes if generated with svd2rust 0.16.1
HAL crates require changes if they use the following constructions.
All the volatile memory accesses should be replaced with calls to the VolatileCell
For example,
unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(&self.spi.dr as *const _ as *const u8) }
should be replaced with
unsafe { (*(&self.spi.dr as *const _ as *const vcell::VolatileCell<u8>)).get() }
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(&self.spi.dr as *const _ as *mut u8, byte) }
should be replaced with
unsafe { (*(&self.spi.dr as *const _ as *const vcell::VolatileCell<u8>)).set(byte) }