Go library for the public APIs of debrid services like RealDebrid, AllDebrid and Premiumize
- Get user account info
- Get instant availability (cache) info for a link / torrent
- Add a link / torrent to a debrid service's downloads
- Get status info about a link / torrent that the debrid service is downloading / has downloaded
- Get the direct download link for a link / torrent after the debrid service has downloaded it
- Delete the torrent that the debrid service is downloading / has downloaded
The library consists of a root-level package which contains a cache interface and example cache implementation, as well as subpackages for the specific debrid services. Each service-specific subpackage contains both a legacy client (the client from v0.1.0
), and a low level client whose methods match the public API endpoints. In the future a common client will be added that has a generic interface and is backed by service-specific clients.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create new client
auth := realdebrid.Auth{KeyOrToken: "123"}
rd := realdebrid.NewClient(realdebrid.DefaultClientOpts, auth, nil)
// We're using some info hashes of "Night of the Living Dead" from 1968, which is in the public domain
infoHashes := []string{
availabilities, _ := rd.GetInstantAvailability(context.Background(), infoHashes...)
// Iterate through the available torrents and print their details
for hash, availability := range availabilities {
fmt.Printf("Hash: %v\nAvailability: %+v\n", hash, availability)
For more detailed examples see examples.