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Credal Logo's Open Source Actions Framework

Easily add custom actions for your Credal Copilots. Read more about Credal's Agent platform here.

Adding or updating actions

  1. Add or update the action in src/actions/schema.yaml
  2. Run npm run generate:types to generate the new types
  3. Run npm run prettier-format to format the new files
  4. Create a new provider function in src/actions/providers/<provider>/<action>.ts (eg. src/actions/providers/math/add.ts) which exports a function using the generated types
  5. If adding a new action or provider, update src/actions/actionMapper.ts and src/actions/groups.ts.
  6. In package.json, bump the version number.
  7. Run npm publish --access public to publish the new version to npm. (Need to be logged in via npm login)


Invoking an action:

import { runAction } from "@credal/actions";

const result = await runAction(
  { authToken: "xoxb-..." },

Running a basic test for runAction

npx ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register --project tsconfig.json tests/testRunMathAction.ts