📂 ~/git:(master) ⚡
❯❯❯ ~/whoami🙋♂️.rs
impl AboutMe
fn say_hi() & str{
" Thanks for dropping by, hope you find some of my interesting work. "
fn getInformation()-> Info {
Info {
name: "Bhawna ",
anguage_spoken: ["hi_IN", "en_US"],
Working: " Collabora ",
Learning: " Golang ",
fn getCurrentDegree() -> Degree {
Degree {
course: "Master in Computer Science",
onGoing : true,
fn getMyLinks() -> Vec<&str> {
vec ![
fn getFutureGoal() -> &str
"Learn more about Rust,Golang and NodeJS."
📂 ~/code
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.