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An ansible role for configuring a pypi-server on a systemd centos system.


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A role for provisioning a minimal pypi-server

Role Variables

  • pypi_server_version: 'The version of the pypiserver wheel to install and use. Default: 1.2.0.'
  • pypi_user: 'The user running the pypi-server service. It will be created if it doesn't exist. Default: pypi.'
  • pypi_group: 'The group of which pypi_user is a member. Default: pypi.'
  • pypi_server_port: 'The port in which the pypi-server will listen on. Default: 7974.'
  • pypi_home_dir: 'The home directory of the pypi user. Default: /srv/pypi.'
  • pypi_work_dir: 'The workspace directory of the pypi-server. Default: {{ pypi_home_dir }}.'
  • pypi_packages_directory: 'The directory that will store uploaded python packages. Default: {{ pypi_work_dir }}/packages.'
  • pypi_log_file: 'The log file the pypi-server will write to. Defautlt: {{ pypi_work_dir }}/pypi-server.log.'
  • pypi_init_script_dir: 'The directory that will store the pypi-server init script (sys-v only). Default: /etc/init.d.'
  • pypi_server_pid_file: 'The location of the . Default: {{ pypi_work_dir }}/'
  • pypi_requirements_template: 'Template listing the required packages for the pypi-server. Default: templates/pypi-server-requirements.txt.j2.'
  • pypi_server_authenticate: Comma-separated list of actions to authenticate a client, ex.: download,list,update. Default: update.
  • htaccess_dir: 'The location of the generated .htaccess file. Default: {{ pypi_home_dir }}.'
  • enable_anonymous_auth: 'A boolean value that determines whether to use username/password authentication for uploads to the pypi-server. Note: Enabling this is not recommended as it will allow anyone to upload artifacts to pypi. Default: false.'
  • htaccess_username: 'Username to use when authenticating to the pypi-server (only used when enable_anonymous_auth is false). Default: test.'
  • htaccess_password: 'Password to use when authenticating to the pypi-server (only used when enable_anonymous_auth is false). Default: test.'



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

    - hosts: servers
         - role: comcast.pypi


The following tools are required for testing this role.

  1. Virtualbox
  2. Vagrant
  3. Python 2.7
  4. virtualenv

Create test environment:

virtualenv --python=$(which python2.7) .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r test-reqs.txt

Run tests:

molecule test

Test against a specific platform:

molecule test --platform centos/7
molecule test --platform debian/jessie64

Test uploads:

Any python package can be used to test uploading. In this case BeautifulSoup4 is used as an example.

  1. Stand up local pypi server
molecule converge

This should leave the pypi-server running on http://localhost:8080 with 0 packages stored.

  1. Clone a Python source repo
git clone
  1. Create/modify the .pypirc file in your home directory and add the htaccess_username and htaccess_password credentials if using authentication.

The .pypirc file should look similar to this:

Note: If using the playbook defaults for the htaccess_username and htaccess_password then the credentials should match what is in the playbook.yml

index-servers =

repository: http://localhost:8080
username: <htaccess_username>
password: <htaccess_password>
  1. Upload python package

From the Python source code repo execute the following command.

python sdist upload -r local

This should upload the python package to the pypi-server specified in the .pypirc file using the credentials specified in the [local] block.

Test download:

To test package downloads from the local pypi-server the command below can be executed after successfully uploading a package. Following the upload example beautifulsoup4 can be downloaded as follows:

Change version_number for the example below to match the version of the package that was uploaded.

pip install --extra-index-url http://localhost:8080/ beautifulsoup4==<version_number>


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An ansible role for configuring a pypi-server on a systemd centos system.




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