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The backend and infrastructure for a prototype full-stack C#, Preact web application deployed on Azure AKS using modern tools. This project primarily focuses on architectural design, implementation, and tools that can be leveraged for enterprise-grade applications.

The frontend repository lives here:

The http-to-nats proxy lives here:

Tools and frameworks used by backend and infrastructure:

  • Azure AKS - Managed Kubernetes service on Azure.
  • Devbox - Ergonomic tool over Nix to enable easily creating portable, isolated development environments.
  • Docker - Container tool chain.
  • Preact - lightweight, high-performance alternative to React.
  • Nats - Distributed, asynchronous messaging system designed for performance, scalability, and ease of use.
  • JetStream - NATS message persistence engine that allows messages to be stored and replayed at a later time.
  • k3d - Local Kubernetes toolchain for local development.
  • k6 - Performance testing tool.

Architectural Design

Conceptual Design

The main idea is to have a service pull architecture: microservices pull from queues and communcate using an asynchronous, distributed messaging system via publish/subscribe.


HTTP Client ->> HTTP to async message: HTTP REST request
HTTP to async message -) Queue: async message REST request
API Service ->> Queue: Listen for messages to pull
Queue -->> API Service: Pull async message REST request
API Service -) HTTP to async message: async message REST response
HTTP to async message ->> HTTP Client: HTTP REST response

HTTP To Async Message

Since all services communicate only through the asynchronous messaging system, a proxy to convert HTTP requests to async messages is needed to service external HTTP client requests. To the client, the API appears no different than any other REST API.

Pull Services

By pulling from a queue, load balancing can be more efficienct and offer better service quality. Since service instances will only pull more work if they are able to handle it, no unserviceable requests will be sent to a service instance that can't handle it.

For example, a traditional round-robin load balancing could send many heavy requests to the same instance. Eventually, that instance will reach its maximum request handling capacity much sooner compared to the other instances. Auto scaling might not even trigger if it is based on the average cpu/memory utilization across instances. Yet, the at-capacity instance will continue to receive requests it cannot service. By using a pull system, the less burdened instances will service the requests instead, ensuring all requests are serviced.

Asynchronous Communication

By leveraging an asynchronous messaging system with durable message queues, service quality features, e.g. retries, can be handled separately from the applications without resorting to more complex solutions such as side car applications or a service mesh.

Another feature of asynchronous communication is the ability for different service instances to receive request responses. If the original requesting service becomes unavailable after sending a request, a different instance can receive and process the response of the request.

Concrete Design

Following the conceptual design, the concrete design uses specific frameworks and tools.


Browser (HTTP Client) ->> HTTP to NATS Proxy: HTTP REST request
HTTP to NATS Proxy -) JetStream Stream/Consumer: NATS message REST request
API Service ->> JetStream Stream/Consumer: Listen for messages to pull
JetStream Stream/Consumer -->> API Service: Pull NATS message REST request
API Service -) HTTP to NATS Proxy: NATS message REST response
HTTP to NATS Proxy ->> Browser (HTTP Client): HTTP REST response


Install Devbox. On Windows, install WSL2 as a prerequisite as mentioned in the installation instructions.

Start the Devbox environment (in WSL shell for Windows) at the root of the project:

devbox shell

Scripts for creating a local Kubernetes cluster using k3d and to deploy various components to the cluster are available as shell aliases for convenience:

Command Description
load_config Load either dev (development) or prod (production) environment variables to be used for the other deployment commands.
create-cluster Creates local k3d cluster with local docker registry. Installs k8sGateway, NATS, and NATS JetStream.
start-cluster Starts k3d cluster if it is stopped.
stop-cluster Stop k3d cluster.
delete-cluster Deletes the k3d cluster.
deploy-nack Apply JetStream kubernetes configuration.
deploy-gateway Apply k8sGateway kubernetes configurations.
deploy-http-to-nats-proxy Build and push to docker registry the docker image for http-to-nats-proxy and deploy via kubernetes configuration.
deploy-service Build and push to docker registry the docker image for rating-service and deploy via kubernetes configuration.
deploy-frontend Build and push to docker registry the docker image for the frontend and deploy via kubernetes configuration.
port-forward-gateway Port forward the gateway to localhost so the frontend and backend can be accessed for testing.

Devbox is set up to run load_config dev on starting a devbox environment e.g. via devbox shell.

For first time setup, create the cluster, deploy everything, then port forward for testing:


Then a request to http://localhost:8080/api/users to get users from the API. Or access http://localhost:8080/ui in the browser.


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